< Master index Index for FMAToolbox/Analyses >

Index for FMAToolbox/Analyses

Matlab files in this directory:

 ActivityTemplatesActivityTemplates - Compute activity templates from PCA of spike trains.
 AngularVelocityAngularVelocity - Compute instantaneous angular velocity.
 BrainStatesBrainStates - Determine brain state using LFP, EMG and movement.
 CCGCCG - Compute multiple cross- and auto-correlograms, or cross-covariances
 CCGParametersCCGParameters - Reformat time series for CCG computation
 CSDCSD - Compute current source density.
 CVCV - Compute coefficient of variation for a point process.
 CofiringCoefficientCofiringCoefficient - Compute the cofiring coefficient between two sets of intervals.
 CoherenceBandsCoherenceBands - Determine running coherence in physiological bands.
 CompareDistributionsCompareDistributions - Compare two N-dimensional distributions (e.g. prospective place fields).
 ContentsSpecialized analyses for FMAToolbox.
 CountSpikesPerCycleCountSpikesPerCycle - Count number of spikes per LFP cycle.
 DefineZoneDefineZone - Define a restricted zone to which analyses can be circumscribed.
 DistanceDistance - Compute instantaneous distance to a reference point.
 FieldPSPFieldPSP - Measure field EPSPs (waveforms, slope, amplitude) across time.
 FieldShiftFieldShift - Estimate firing field shifts between two conditions.
 FilterLFPFilterLFP - Filter the local field potentials, e.g. in the theta band.
 FindDeltaWavesFindDeltaWaves - Find cortical delta waves (1-6Hz waves).
 FindRipplesFindRipples - Find hippocampal ripples (100~200Hz oscillations).
 FindSpikeTrainsFindSpikeTrains - Split long spike trains into 'active' periods.
 FindSpindlesFindSpindles - Find thalamo-cortical spindles (9-17Hz oscillations).
 FindSubcyclesFindSubcycles - Find timestamps for subcycles of an oscillating signal.
 FiringCurveFiringCurve - Compute firing curve (e.g. for a head direction cell).
 FiringMapFiringMap - Compute firing map (e.g. for a place cell).
 FitCCGFitCCG - Fit dampened sinewave to the cross-correlogram of a pair of theta-modulated cells.
 FrequencyFrequency - Compute instantaneous frequency for a point process (e.g. a spike train).
 FunctionalClusteringFunctionalClustering - Determine spike train similarity tree using FCA analysis.
 GenerateSpikeTrainGenerateSpikeTrain - Generate spike train using a leaky integrate and fire neuron model.
 IsInZoneIsInZone - Test when the animal is in a given zone.
 IsolationDistanceIsolationDistance - Determine the isolation quality for one or more clusters.
 LinearVelocityLinearVelocity - Compute instantaneous linear velocity.
 MTCoherenceMTCoherence - Compute LFP coherence by multi-taper estimation.
 MTCoherogramMTCoherogram - Compute LFP coherogram by multi-taper estimation.
 MTPointSpectrogramMTPointSpectrogram - Compute point process spectrogram by multi-taper estimation.
 MTPointSpectrumMTPointSpectrum - Compute point process spectrum by multi-taper estimation.
 MTSpectrogramMTSpectrogram - Compute LFP spectrogram by multi-taper estimation.
 MTSpectrumMTSpectrum - Compute LFP spectrum by multi-taper estimation.
 MapMap - Map z on (x,y) where x, y and z are time-varying variables (samples).
 MapStatsMapStats - Compute statistics for a map Z = f(X,Y), or a curve Z = f(X).
 NormalizeFieldsNormalizeFields - Normalize one or more firing fields in space and rate.
 PETHTransitionPETHTransition - Find a transition point in a peri-event time histogram (PETH).
 PhasePhase - Compute instantaneous phase in signal.
 PhaseCurvePhaseCurve - Compute spatial phase curve.
 PhaseMangoPhaseMango - Compute phase as a function of spike rate and acceleration.
 PhaseMapPhaseMap - Compute spatial phase map.
 PhasePrecessionPhasePrecession - Compute spike phase precession.
 QuietPeriodsQuietPeriods - Find periods of immobility.
 RadialMazeRadialMaze - Compute simple statistics for the 8-arm radial maze task.
 RadialMazeTurnsRadialMazeTurns - Compute distribution of successive turn angles in radial maze.
 ReactivationStrengthReactivationStrength - Assess reactivation strength of cell assemblies.
 ReconstructPositionReconstructPosition - Bayesian reconstruction of positions from spike trains.
 RemoveArtefactsRemoveArtefacts - Remove artefacts from local field potentials.
 RippleStatsRippleStats - Compute descriptive stats for ripples (100~200Hz oscillations).
 SelectSpikesSelectSpikes - Discriminate bursts vs single spikes.
 ShortTimeCCGShortTimeCCG - Time-varying auto/cross-correlograms of point processes.
 SpectrogramBandsSpectrogramBands - Determine running power in physiological bands.
 SurveyCCGSurveyCCG - Compute and plot cross-correlograms (CCGs) for all subsessions.
 SurveyFiringMapsSurveyFiringMaps - Compute and plot firing maps for all subsessions.
 SurveyPhasePrecessionSurveyPhasePrecession - Compute and plot phase precession plots for all subsessions.
 SurveyTuningCurvesSurveyTuningCurves - Compute and plot tuning curves for all subsessions.
 SyncSync - Make sample timestamps relative to synchronizing events.
 SyncHistSyncHist - Compute a histogram on event-synchronized samples (e.g. a PSTH).
 SyncMapSyncMap - Create a map from successive event-synchronized data.
 TestRemappingTestRemapping - Test if firing fields remap (or shift) between two conditions.
 TestSkewnessTestSkewness - Test if firing field skewness changes between two conditions.
 ThresholdSpikesThresholdSpikes - Post-hoc threshold correction for spike detection.
 TimeToPhaseTimeToPhase - Resample signal as a function of unwrapped phase.
 TuneArtefactTimesTuneArtefactTimes - Fine-tune artefact (e.g. stimulation) times.

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