ActivityTemplates | ActivityTemplates - Compute activity templates from PCA of spike trains. |
AngularVelocity | AngularVelocity - Compute instantaneous angular velocity. |
BrainStates | BrainStates - Determine brain state using LFP, EMG and movement. |
CCG | CCG - Compute multiple cross- and auto-correlograms, or cross-covariances |
CCGParameters | CCGParameters - Reformat time series for CCG computation |
CSD | CSD - Compute current source density. |
CV | CV - Compute coefficient of variation for a point process. |
CofiringCoefficient | CofiringCoefficient - Compute the cofiring coefficient between two sets of intervals. |
CoherenceBands | CoherenceBands - Determine running coherence in physiological bands. |
CompareDistributions | CompareDistributions - Compare two N-dimensional distributions (e.g. prospective place fields). |
Contents | Specialized analyses for FMAToolbox. |
CountSpikesPerCycle | CountSpikesPerCycle - Count number of spikes per LFP cycle. |
DefineZone | DefineZone - Define a restricted zone to which analyses can be circumscribed. |
Distance | Distance - Compute instantaneous distance to a reference point. |
FieldPSP | FieldPSP - Measure field EPSPs (waveforms, slope, amplitude) across time. |
FieldShift | FieldShift - Estimate firing field shifts between two conditions. |
FilterLFP | FilterLFP - Filter the local field potentials, e.g. in the theta band. |
FindDeltaWaves | FindDeltaWaves - Find cortical delta waves (1-6Hz waves). |
FindRipples | FindRipples - Find hippocampal ripples (100~200Hz oscillations). |
FindSpikeTrains | FindSpikeTrains - Split long spike trains into 'active' periods. |
FindSpindles | FindSpindles - Find thalamo-cortical spindles (9-17Hz oscillations). |
FindSubcycles | FindSubcycles - Find timestamps for subcycles of an oscillating signal. |
FiringCurve | FiringCurve - Compute firing curve (e.g. for a head direction cell). |
FiringMap | FiringMap - Compute firing map (e.g. for a place cell). |
FitCCG | FitCCG - Fit dampened sinewave to the cross-correlogram of a pair of theta-modulated cells. |
Frequency | Frequency - Compute instantaneous frequency for a point process (e.g. a spike train). |
FunctionalClustering | FunctionalClustering - Determine spike train similarity tree using FCA analysis. |
GenerateSpikeTrain | GenerateSpikeTrain - Generate spike train using a leaky integrate and fire neuron model. |
IsInZone | IsInZone - Test when the animal is in a given zone. |
IsolationDistance | IsolationDistance - Determine the isolation quality for one or more clusters. |
LinearVelocity | LinearVelocity - Compute instantaneous linear velocity. |
MTCoherence | MTCoherence - Compute LFP coherence by multi-taper estimation. |
MTCoherogram | MTCoherogram - Compute LFP coherogram by multi-taper estimation. |
MTPointSpectrogram | MTPointSpectrogram - Compute point process spectrogram by multi-taper estimation. |
MTPointSpectrum | MTPointSpectrum - Compute point process spectrum by multi-taper estimation. |
MTSpectrogram | MTSpectrogram - Compute LFP spectrogram by multi-taper estimation. |
MTSpectrum | MTSpectrum - Compute LFP spectrum by multi-taper estimation. |
Map | Map - Map z on (x,y) where x, y and z are time-varying variables (samples). |
MapStats | MapStats - Compute statistics for a map Z = f(X,Y), or a curve Z = f(X). |
NormalizeFields | NormalizeFields - Normalize one or more firing fields in space and rate. |
PETHTransition | PETHTransition - Find a transition point in a peri-event time histogram (PETH). |
Phase | Phase - Compute instantaneous phase in signal. |
PhaseCurve | PhaseCurve - Compute spatial phase curve. |
PhaseMango | PhaseMango - Compute phase as a function of spike rate and acceleration. |
PhaseMap | PhaseMap - Compute spatial phase map. |
PhasePrecession | PhasePrecession - Compute spike phase precession. |
QuietPeriods | QuietPeriods - Find periods of immobility. |
RadialMaze | RadialMaze - Compute simple statistics for the 8-arm radial maze task. |
RadialMazeTurns | RadialMazeTurns - Compute distribution of successive turn angles in radial maze. |
ReactivationStrength | ReactivationStrength - Assess reactivation strength of cell assemblies. |
ReconstructPosition | ReconstructPosition - Bayesian reconstruction of positions from spike trains. |
RemoveArtefacts | RemoveArtefacts - Remove artefacts from local field potentials. |
RippleStats | RippleStats - Compute descriptive stats for ripples (100~200Hz oscillations). |
SelectSpikes | SelectSpikes - Discriminate bursts vs single spikes. |
ShortTimeCCG | ShortTimeCCG - Time-varying auto/cross-correlograms of point processes. |
SpectrogramBands | SpectrogramBands - Determine running power in physiological bands. |
SurveyCCG | SurveyCCG - Compute and plot cross-correlograms (CCGs) for all subsessions. |
SurveyFiringMaps | SurveyFiringMaps - Compute and plot firing maps for all subsessions. |
SurveyPhasePrecession | SurveyPhasePrecession - Compute and plot phase precession plots for all subsessions. |
SurveyTuningCurves | SurveyTuningCurves - Compute and plot tuning curves for all subsessions. |
Sync | Sync - Make sample timestamps relative to synchronizing events. |
SyncHist | SyncHist - Compute a histogram on event-synchronized samples (e.g. a PSTH). |
SyncMap | SyncMap - Create a map from successive event-synchronized data. |
TestRemapping | TestRemapping - Test if firing fields remap (or shift) between two conditions. |
TestSkewness | TestSkewness - Test if firing field skewness changes between two conditions. |
ThresholdSpikes | ThresholdSpikes - Post-hoc threshold correction for spike detection. |
TimeToPhase | TimeToPhase - Resample signal as a function of unwrapped phase. |
TuneArtefactTimes | TuneArtefactTimes - Fine-tune artefact (e.g. stimulation) times. |