Home > FMAToolbox > Analyses > MapStats.m



MapStats - Compute statistics for a map Z = f(X,Y), or a curve Z = f(X).


function stats = MapStats(map,varargin)


MapStats - Compute statistics for a map Z = f(X,Y), or a curve Z = f(X).

  Compute statistics on a continuous map, where one time-varying variable Z
  is represented as a function of one or two time-varying variables X and Y.
  The variable Z can either be a point process (typically, a list of spike
  timestamps) or a continuous measure (e.g. the instantaneous velocity of
  the animal, the spectral power of an LFP channel in a given frequency band,
  the coherence between two oscillating LFP channels, etc.) Typical examples
  of X and Y include spatial coordinates and angular directions.


    stats = MapStats(map,<options>)

    map            map obtained using <a href="matlab:help Map">Map</a>
    <options>      optional list of property-value pairs (see table below)

     Properties    Values
     'threshold'   values above threshold*peak belong to the field
                   (default = 0.2)
     'minSize'     fields smaller than this size are considered spurious
                   and ignored (default = 100 for 2D, 10 for 1D)
     'minPeak'     peaks smaller than this size are considered spurious
                   and ignored (default = 1)
     'type'        'll' if X and Y are linear, 'cl' if X is circular and Y
                   linear, 'lc' if X is linear and Y circular, or 'cc' if X
                   and Y are circular - for 1D data, a single letter is used
                   (default = 'll')
     'verbose'     display processing information (default = 'off')


    stats.x             abscissa of the maximum value (in bins)
    stats.y             ordinate of the maximum value (in bins)
    stats.peak          in-field maximum value
    stats.mean          in-field mean value
    stats.size          field size (in bins)
    stats.field         field (1 = bin in field, 0 = bin not in field)
    stats.fieldX        field x boundaries (in bins)
    stats.fieldY        field y boundaries (in bins)
    stats.specificity   spatial specificity (in bits, see Skaggs et al., 1993)

    For 1D circular data:

    stats.m             mean angle
    stats.mode          distribution mode (in bins)
    stats.r             mean resultant length
    stats.k             von Mises concentration


    See also Map, FiringMap, FiringCurve.


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function stats = MapStats(map,varargin)
0003 %MapStats - Compute statistics for a map Z = f(X,Y), or a curve Z = f(X).
0004 %
0005 %  Compute statistics on a continuous map, where one time-varying variable Z
0006 %  is represented as a function of one or two time-varying variables X and Y.
0007 %  The variable Z can either be a point process (typically, a list of spike
0008 %  timestamps) or a continuous measure (e.g. the instantaneous velocity of
0009 %  the animal, the spectral power of an LFP channel in a given frequency band,
0010 %  the coherence between two oscillating LFP channels, etc.) Typical examples
0011 %  of X and Y include spatial coordinates and angular directions.
0012 %
0013 %  USAGE
0014 %
0015 %    stats = MapStats(map,<options>)
0016 %
0017 %    map            map obtained using <a href="matlab:help Map">Map</a>
0018 %    <options>      optional list of property-value pairs (see table below)
0019 %
0020 %    =========================================================================
0021 %     Properties    Values
0022 %    -------------------------------------------------------------------------
0023 %     'threshold'   values above threshold*peak belong to the field
0024 %                   (default = 0.2)
0025 %     'minSize'     fields smaller than this size are considered spurious
0026 %                   and ignored (default = 100 for 2D, 10 for 1D)
0027 %     'minPeak'     peaks smaller than this size are considered spurious
0028 %                   and ignored (default = 1)
0029 %     'type'        'll' if X and Y are linear, 'cl' if X is circular and Y
0030 %                   linear, 'lc' if X is linear and Y circular, or 'cc' if X
0031 %                   and Y are circular - for 1D data, a single letter is used
0032 %                   (default = 'll')
0033 %     'verbose'     display processing information (default = 'off')
0034 %    =========================================================================
0035 %
0036 %  OUTPUT
0037 %
0038 %    stats.x             abscissa of the maximum value (in bins)
0039 %    stats.y             ordinate of the maximum value (in bins)
0040 %    stats.peak          in-field maximum value
0041 %    stats.mean          in-field mean value
0042 %    stats.size          field size (in bins)
0043 %    stats.field         field (1 = bin in field, 0 = bin not in field)
0044 %    stats.fieldX        field x boundaries (in bins)
0045 %    stats.fieldY        field y boundaries (in bins)
0046 %    stats.specificity   spatial specificity (in bits, see Skaggs et al., 1993)
0047 %
0048 %    For 1D circular data:
0049 %
0050 %    stats.m             mean angle
0051 %    stats.mode          distribution mode (in bins)
0052 %    stats.r             mean resultant length
0053 %    stats.k             von Mises concentration
0054 %
0055 %  SEE
0056 %
0057 %    See also Map, FiringMap, FiringCurve.
0059 % Copyright (C) 2002-2012 by Michaël Zugaro
0060 %
0061 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0062 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0063 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
0064 % (at your option) any later version.
0066 % Check number of parameters
0067 if nargin < 1 | mod(length(varargin),2) ~= 0,
0068   error('Incorrect number of parameters (type ''help <a href="matlab:help MapStats">MapStats</a>'' for details).');
0069 end
0071 if ~isfield(map,'z'),
0072     map.z = map.rate;
0073     map = rmfield(map,'rate');
0074 end
0076 % Default values
0077 threshold = 0.2;
0078 minPeak = 1;
0079 type = 'll';
0080 verbose = 0;
0082 nDims = sum(size(map.z)>=2);
0083 if nDims == 2,
0084     minSize = 100;
0085 else
0086     minSize = 10;
0087 end
0089 % Parse parameter list
0090 for i = 1:2:length(varargin),
0091     if ~ischar(varargin{i}),
0092         error(['Parameter ' num2str(i+2) ' is not a property (type ''help <a href="matlab:help MapStats">MapStats</a>'' for details).']);
0093     end
0094     switch(lower(varargin{i})),
0096         case 'threshold',
0097             threshold = varargin{i+1};
0098             if ~isdscalar(threshold,'>=0','<=1'),
0099                 error('Incorrect value for property ''threshold'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help MapStats">MapStats</a>'' for details).');
0100             end
0102         case 'minsize',
0103             minSize = varargin{i+1};
0104             if ~isdscalar(minSize,'>=0'),
0105                 error('Incorrect value for property ''minSize'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help MapStats">MapStats</a>'' for details).');
0106             end
0108         case 'minpeak',
0109             minPeak = varargin{i+1};
0110             if ~isdscalar(minPeak,'>=0'),
0111                 error('Incorrect value for property ''minPeak'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help MapStats">MapStats</a>'' for details).');
0112             end
0114         case 'type',
0115             type = lower(varargin{i+1});
0116             if (nDims == 1 && ~isastring(type,'c','l')) || (nDims == 2 && ~isastring(type,'cc','cl','lc','ll')),
0117                 error('Incorrect value for property ''type'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help MapStats">MapStats</a>'' for details).');
0118             end
0120         case {'verbose','debug'},
0121             verbose = lower(varargin{i+1});
0122             if ~isastring(verbose,'on','off'),
0123                 error('Incorrect value for property ''verbose'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help MapStats">MapStats</a>'' for details).');
0124             end
0125             verbose = strcmp(verbose,'on');
0127         otherwise,
0128             error(['Unknown property ''' num2str(varargin{i}) ''' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help MapStats">MapStats</a>'' for details).']);
0130   end
0131 end
0133 % Are X and/or Y circular?
0134 circX = size(map.z,2) > 1 && strcmp(type(1),'c');
0135 circY = size(map.z,1) > 1 && ((size(map.z,2) > 1 && strcmp(type(2),'c')) || strcmp(type(1),'c'));
0137 % Default values
0138 stats.x = NaN;
0139 stats.y = NaN;
0140 stats.field = logical(zeros(0,0,0));
0141 stats.size = 0;
0142 stats.peak = 0;
0143 stats.mean = 0;
0144 stats.fieldX = [NaN NaN];
0145 stats.fieldY = [NaN NaN];
0146 stats.specificity = 0;
0147 stats.m = nan;
0148 stats.r = nan;
0149 stats.mode = nan;
0150 stats.k = nan;
0152 if isempty(map.z), return; end
0154 % Compute the spatial specificity of the map, based on the formula proposed by Skaggs et al. (1993):
0155 %  specificity = SUM { p(i) . lambda(i)/lambda . log2(lambda(i)/lambda) }
0156 T = sum(map.time(:));
0157 p_i = map.time/(T+eps);
0158 lambda_i = map.z;
0159 lambda = lambda_i(:)'*p_i(:);
0160 if T == 0 || lambda == 0,
0161     stats.specificity = 0;
0162 else
0163     stats.specificity = sum(sum(p_i.*lambda_i/lambda.*log2(lambda_i/lambda)));
0164 end
0166 % Determine the field as the connex area around the peak where the value or rate is > threshold*peak
0167 % There can be two or more fields
0169 if max(max(map.z)) == 0,
0170     stats.field = logical(zeros(size(map.z)));
0171     return;
0172 end
0174 nBinsX = max([1 length(map.x)]);    % minimum number of bins is 1
0175 nBinsY = max([1 length(map.y)]);
0177 % Each time we find a field, we will remove it from the map; make a copy first
0178 z = map.z;
0179 % Try to find more fields until no remaining bin exceeds min value
0180 i = 1;
0181 while true,
0182     % Are there any candidate (unvisited) peaks left?
0183     [peak,idx] = max(z(:));
0184     if peak < minPeak, break; end
0185     % Determine coordinates of largest candidate peak
0186     [y,x] = ind2sub(size(z),idx);
0187     % Find field (using min threshold for inclusion)
0188     field1 = FindField(z,x,y,peak*threshold,circX,circY);
0189     size1 = sum(field1(:));
0190     % Does this field include two coalescent subfields?
0191     % To answer this question, we simply re-run the same field-searching procedure on the field
0192     % we then either keep the original field or choose the subfield if the latter is less than
0193     % 1/2 the size of the former
0194     m = peak*threshold;
0195     field2 = FindField(z-m,x,y,(peak-m)*threshold,circX,circY);
0196     size2 = sum(field2(:));
0197     if size2< 1/2*size1,
0198         field = field2;
0199         tc = ' ';sc = '*'; % for debugging messages
0200     else
0201         field = field1;
0202         tc = '*';sc = ' '; % for debugging messages
0203     end
0204     % Display debugging info
0205     if verbose,
0206         disp([int2zstr(i,2) ') peak  ' num2str(peak) ' @ (' int2str(x) ',' int2str(y) ')']);
0207         disp([' ' tc ' field size       ' int2str(size1)]);
0208         disp([' ' sc ' subfield size    ' int2str(size2)]);
0209         disp(' ');
0210         figure;
0211         if nDims == 1,
0212             plot(z);hold on;
0213             PlotIntervals(ToIntervals(field1),'rectangles');
0214             PlotIntervals(ToIntervals(field2),'bars');
0215             ylabel(tc);
0216         else
0217             subplot(3,1,1);imagesc(z);xlabel('Data');
0218             subplot(3,1,2);imagesc(field1);clim([0 1]);xlabel('Field');
0219             subplot(3,1,3);imagesc(field2);clim([0 1]);ylabel(tc);xlabel('Subfield');
0220         end
0221     end
0222     fieldSize = sum(field(:));
0223     % Keep this field if its size is sufficient
0224     if fieldSize > minSize,
0225         stats.field(:,:,i) = field;
0226         stats.size(i) = fieldSize;
0227         stats.peak(i) = peak;
0228         stats.mean(i) = mean(z(field));
0229         idx = find(field & z == peak);
0230         [stats.y(i),stats.x(i)] = ind2sub(size(z),idx(1));
0231         [x,y] = FieldBoundaries(field,circX,circY);
0232         [stats.fieldX(i,:),stats.fieldY(i,:)] = FieldBoundaries(field,circX,circY);
0233         i = i + 1;
0234     end
0235     % Mark field bins as visited
0236     z(field) = NaN;
0237     if all(isnan(z)), break; end
0238 end
0240 % ----------------------------- Circular statistics -----------------------------
0242 if ~(nDims == 1 && circX), return; end
0244 complex = map.z .* exp(j*map.x*2*pi) / sum(map.z);
0245 stats.m = angle(nanmean(complex));
0246 stats.r = abs(nansum(complex));
0247 %  [~,stats.mode] = max(map.z);
0248 [maxZ, iMax] = max(map.z);
0249 TMax = map.x(iMax);
0250 stats.mode = TMax*2*pi;
0252 % Compute kappa (Fisher, "Statistical Analysis of Circular Data" p.88)
0253 if stats.r < 0.53,
0254     stats.k = 2*stats.r+stats.r^3+5*stats.r^5/6;
0255 elseif stats.r < 0.85,
0256     stats.k = -0.4+1.39*stats.r+0.43/(1-stats.r);
0257 else
0258     stats.k = 1/(stats.r^3-4*stats.r^2+3*stats.r);
0259 end
0261 % ------------------------------- Helper functions -------------------------------
0263 % Field boundaries (circumscribed rectangle)
0265 function [x,y] = FieldBoundaries(field,circX,circY)
0267 % Find boundaries
0268 x = find(any(field,1));
0269 if isempty(x),
0270     x = [NaN NaN];
0271 else
0272     x = [x(1) x(end)];
0273 end
0274 y = find(any(field,2));
0275 if isempty(y),
0276     y = [NaN NaN];
0277 else
0278     y = [y(1) y(end)];
0279 end
0281 % The above works in almost all cases; it fails however for circular coordinates if the field extends
0282 % around an edge, e.g. for angles between 350° and 30°
0284 if circX && x(1) == 1 && x(2) == size(field,2),
0285     xx = find(~all(field,1));
0286     if ~isempty(xx),
0287         x = [xx(end) xx(1)];
0288     end
0289 end
0290 if circY && y(1) == 1 && y(2) == size(field,1),
0291     yy = find(~all(field,2));
0292     if ~isempty(yy),
0293         y = [yy(end) yy(1)];
0294     end
0295 end

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