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FindRipples - Find hippocampal ripples (100~200Hz oscillations).


function [ripples,sd,bad] = FindRipples(filtered,varargin)


FindRipples - Find hippocampal ripples (100~200Hz oscillations).


    [ripples,stdev,noise] = FindRipples(filtered,<options>)

    Ripples are detected using the normalized squared signal (NSS) by
    thresholding the baseline, merging neighboring events, thresholding
    the peaks, and discarding events with excessive duration.
    Thresholds are computed as multiples of the standard deviation of
    the NSS. Alternatively, one can use explicit values, typically obtained
    from a previous call.

    filtered       ripple-band filtered LFP <a href="matlab:help samples">samples</a> (one channel).
    <options>      optional list of property-value pairs (see table below)

     Properties    Values
     'thresholds'  thresholds for ripple beginning/end and peak, in multiples
                   of the stdev (default = [2 5])
     'durations'   minimum inter-ripple interval, and minimum and maximum
                   ripple durations, in ms (default = [30 20 100])
     'baseline'    interval used to compute normalization (default = all)
     'restrict'    same as 'baseline' (for backwards compatibility)
     'frequency'   sampling rate (in Hz) (default = 1250Hz)
     'stdev'       reuse previously computed stdev
     'show'        plot results (default = 'off')
     'noise'       noisy ripple-band filtered channel used to exclude ripple-
                   like noise (events also present on this channel are


    ripples        for each ripple, [start_t peak_t end_t peakNormalizedPower]
    stdev          standard deviation of the NSS (can be reused subsequently)
    noise          ripple-like activity recorded simultaneously on the noise
                   channel (for debugging info)


    See also FilterLFP, RippleStats, SaveRippleEvents, PlotRippleStats.


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function [ripples,sd,bad] = FindRipples(filtered,varargin)
0003 %FindRipples - Find hippocampal ripples (100~200Hz oscillations).
0004 %
0005 %  USAGE
0006 %
0007 %    [ripples,stdev,noise] = FindRipples(filtered,<options>)
0008 %
0009 %    Ripples are detected using the normalized squared signal (NSS) by
0010 %    thresholding the baseline, merging neighboring events, thresholding
0011 %    the peaks, and discarding events with excessive duration.
0012 %    Thresholds are computed as multiples of the standard deviation of
0013 %    the NSS. Alternatively, one can use explicit values, typically obtained
0014 %    from a previous call.
0015 %
0016 %    filtered       ripple-band filtered LFP <a href="matlab:help samples">samples</a> (one channel).
0017 %    <options>      optional list of property-value pairs (see table below)
0018 %
0019 %    =========================================================================
0020 %     Properties    Values
0021 %    -------------------------------------------------------------------------
0022 %     'thresholds'  thresholds for ripple beginning/end and peak, in multiples
0023 %                   of the stdev (default = [2 5])
0024 %     'durations'   minimum inter-ripple interval, and minimum and maximum
0025 %                   ripple durations, in ms (default = [30 20 100])
0026 %     'baseline'    interval used to compute normalization (default = all)
0027 %     'restrict'    same as 'baseline' (for backwards compatibility)
0028 %     'frequency'   sampling rate (in Hz) (default = 1250Hz)
0029 %     'stdev'       reuse previously computed stdev
0030 %     'show'        plot results (default = 'off')
0031 %     'noise'       noisy ripple-band filtered channel used to exclude ripple-
0032 %                   like noise (events also present on this channel are
0033 %                   discarded)
0034 %    =========================================================================
0035 %
0036 %  OUTPUT
0037 %
0038 %    ripples        for each ripple, [start_t peak_t end_t peakNormalizedPower]
0039 %    stdev          standard deviation of the NSS (can be reused subsequently)
0040 %    noise          ripple-like activity recorded simultaneously on the noise
0041 %                   channel (for debugging info)
0042 %
0043 %  SEE
0044 %
0045 %    See also FilterLFP, RippleStats, SaveRippleEvents, PlotRippleStats.
0047 % Copyright (C) 2004-2011 by Michaƫl Zugaro, 2016 Ralitsa Todorova (vectorized secondPass),
0048 % initial algorithm by Hajime Hirase
0049 %
0050 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0051 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0052 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
0053 % (at your option) any later version.
0055 % Default values
0056 frequency = 1250;
0057 show = 'off';
0058 restrict = [];
0059 sd = [];
0060 lowThresholdFactor = 2; % Ripple envoloppe must exceed lowThresholdFactor*stdev
0061 highThresholdFactor = 5; % Ripple peak must exceed highThresholdFactor*stdev
0062 minInterRippleInterval = 30; % in ms
0063 minRippleDuration = 20; % in ms
0064 maxRippleDuration = 100; % in ms
0065 noise = [];
0067 % Check number of parameters
0068 if nargin < 1 | mod(length(varargin),2) ~= 0,
0069   error('Incorrect number of parameters (type ''help <a href="matlab:help FindRipples">FindRipples</a>'' for details).');
0070 end
0072 % Check parameter sizes
0073 if ~isdmatrix(filtered) | size(filtered,2) ~= 2,
0074     error('Parameter ''filtered'' is not a Nx2 matrix (type ''help <a href="matlab:help FindRipples">FindRipples</a>'' for details).');
0075 end
0077 % Parse parameter list
0078 for i = 1:2:length(varargin),
0079     if ~ischar(varargin{i}),
0080         error(['Parameter ' num2str(i+2) ' is not a property (type ''help <a href="matlab:help FindRipples">FindRipples</a>'' for details).']);
0081     end
0082     switch(lower(varargin{i})),
0083         case 'thresholds',
0084             thresholds = varargin{i+1};
0085             if ~isdvector(thresholds,'#2','>0'),
0086                 error('Incorrect value for property ''thresholds'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help FindRipples">FindRipples</a>'' for details).');
0087             end
0088             lowThresholdFactor = thresholds(1);
0089             highThresholdFactor = thresholds(2);
0090         case 'durations',
0091             durations = varargin{i+1};
0092             if ~isdvector(durations,'#2','>0') && ~isdvector(durations,'#3','>0'),
0093                 error('Incorrect value for property ''durations'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help FindRipples">FindRipples</a>'' for details).');
0094             end
0095             if length(durations) == 2,
0096                 minInterRippleInterval = durations(1);
0097                 maxRippleDuration = durations(2);
0098             else
0099                 minInterRippleInterval = durations(1);
0100                 minRippleDuration = durations(2);
0101                 maxRippleDuration = durations(3);
0102             end
0103         case 'frequency',
0104             frequency = varargin{i+1};
0105             if ~isdscalar(frequency,'>0'),
0106                 error('Incorrect value for property ''frequency'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help FindRipples">FindRipples</a>'' for details).');
0107             end
0108         case 'show',
0109             show = varargin{i+1};
0110             if ~isastring(show,'on','off'),
0111                 error('Incorrect value for property ''show'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help FindRipples">FindRipples</a>'' for details).');
0112             end
0113         case {'baseline','restrict'},
0114             restrict = varargin{i+1};
0115             if ~isempty(restrict) & ~isdvector(restrict,'#2','<'),
0116                 error('Incorrect value for property ''restrict'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help FindRipples">FindRipples</a>'' for details).');
0117             end
0118         case 'stdev',
0119             sd = varargin{i+1};
0120             if ~isdscalar(sd,'>0'),
0121                 error('Incorrect value for property ''stdev'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help FindRipples">FindRipples</a>'' for details).');
0122             end
0123         case 'noise',
0124             noise = varargin{i+1};
0125             if ~isdmatrix(noise) | size(noise,1) ~= size(filtered,1) | size(noise,2) ~= 2,
0126                 error('Incorrect value for property ''noise'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help FindRipples">FindRipples</a>'' for details).');
0127             end
0128         otherwise,
0129             error(['Unknown property ''' num2str(varargin{i}) ''' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help FindRipples">FindRipples</a>'' for details).']);
0130     end
0131 end
0133 % Parameters
0134 windowLength = round(frequency/1250*11);
0136 % Square and normalize signal
0137 time = filtered(:,1);
0138 signal = filtered(:,2);
0139 squaredSignal = signal.^2;
0140 window = ones(windowLength,1)/windowLength;
0141 keep = [];
0142 if ~isempty(restrict),
0143     keep = filtered(:,1)>=restrict(1)&filtered(:,1)<=restrict(2);
0144 end
0146 [normalizedSquaredSignal,sd] = unity(Filter0(window,sum(squaredSignal,2)),sd,keep);
0148 % Detect ripple periods by thresholding normalized squared signal
0149 thresholded = normalizedSquaredSignal > lowThresholdFactor;
0150 start = find(diff(thresholded)>0);
0151 stop = find(diff(thresholded)<0);
0152 % Exclude last ripple if it is incomplete
0153 if length(stop) == length(start)-1,
0154     start = start(1:end-1);
0155 end
0156 % Exclude first ripple if it is incomplete
0157 if length(stop)-1 == length(start),
0158     stop = stop(2:end);
0159 end
0160 % Correct special case when both first and last ripples are incomplete
0161 if start(1) > stop(1),
0162     stop(1) = [];
0163     start(end) = [];
0164 end
0165 firstPass = [start,stop];
0166 if isempty(firstPass),
0167     disp('Detection by thresholding failed');
0168     return
0169 else
0170     disp(['After detection by thresholding: ' num2str(length(firstPass)) ' events.']);
0171 end
0173 % Merge ripples if inter-ripple period is too short (unless this would yield too long a ripple)
0174 secondPass = firstPass;
0175 iri = time(secondPass(2:end,1)) - time(secondPass(1:end-1,2));
0176 duration = time(secondPass(2:end,2)) - time(secondPass(1:end-1,1));
0177 toMerge = iri<minInterRippleInterval/1000 & duration<maxRippleDuration/1000;
0178 while any(toMerge),
0179     % Get indices of first ripples in pairs to be merged
0180     rippleStart = strfind([0 toMerge'],[0 1])';
0181     % Incorporate second ripple into first in all pairs
0182     rippleEnd = rippleStart+1;
0183     secondPass(rippleStart,2) = secondPass(rippleEnd,2);
0184     % Remove second ripples and loop
0185     secondPass(rippleEnd,:) = [];
0186     iri = time(secondPass(2:end,1)) - time(secondPass(1:end-1,2));
0187     duration = time(secondPass(2:end,2)) - time(secondPass(1:end-1,1));
0188     toMerge = iri<minInterRippleInterval/1000 & duration<maxRippleDuration/1000;
0189 end
0191 if isempty(secondPass),
0192     disp('Ripple merge failed');
0193     return
0194 else
0195     disp(['After ripple merge: ' num2str(length(secondPass)) ' events.']);
0196 end
0198 % Discard ripples with a peak power < highThresholdFactor
0199 thirdPass = [];
0200 peakNormalizedPower = [];
0201 for i = 1:size(secondPass,1)
0202     maxValue = max(normalizedSquaredSignal([secondPass(i,1):secondPass(i,2)]));
0203     if maxValue > highThresholdFactor,
0204         thirdPass = [thirdPass ; secondPass(i,:)];
0205         peakNormalizedPower = [peakNormalizedPower ; maxValue];
0206     end
0207 end
0208 if isempty(thirdPass),
0209     disp('Peak thresholding failed.');
0210     return
0211 else
0212     disp(['After peak thresholding: ' num2str(length(thirdPass)) ' events.']);
0213 end
0215 % Detect negative peak position for each ripple
0216 peakPosition = zeros(size(thirdPass,1),1);
0217 for i=1:size(thirdPass,1),
0218     [~,minIndex] = min(signal(thirdPass(i,1):thirdPass(i,2)));
0219     peakPosition(i) = minIndex + thirdPass(i,1) - 1;
0220 end
0222 % Discard ripples that are way too short
0223 ripples = [time(thirdPass(:,1)) time(peakPosition) time(thirdPass(:,2)) peakNormalizedPower];
0224 duration = ripples(:,3)-ripples(:,1);
0225 ripples(duration<minRippleDuration/1000,:) = [];
0226 disp(['After min duration test: ' num2str(size(ripples,1)) ' events.']);
0228 % Discard ripples that are way too long
0229 duration = ripples(:,3)-ripples(:,1);
0230 ripples(duration>maxRippleDuration/1000,:) = [];
0231 disp(['After max duration test: ' num2str(size(ripples,1)) ' events.']);
0233 % If a noisy channel was provided, find ripple-like events and exclude them
0234 bad = [];
0235 if ~isempty(noise),
0236     % Square and pseudo-normalize (divide by signal stdev) noise
0237     squaredNoise = noise(:,2).^2;
0238     window = ones(windowLength,1)/windowLength;
0239     normalizedSquaredNoise = unity(Filter0(window,sum(squaredNoise,2)),sd,[]);
0240     excluded = logical(zeros(size(ripples,1),1));
0241     % Exclude ripples when concomittent noise crosses high detection threshold
0242     previous = 1;
0243     for i = 1:size(ripples,1),
0244         j = FindInInterval(noise,[ripples(i,1),ripples(i,3)],previous);
0245         previous = j(2);
0246         if any(normalizedSquaredNoise(j(1):j(2))>highThresholdFactor),
0247             excluded(i) = 1;
0248         end
0249     end
0250     bad = ripples(excluded,:);
0251     ripples = ripples(~excluded,:);
0252     disp(['After noise removal: ' num2str(size(ripples,1)) ' events.']);
0253 end
0255 % Optionally, plot results
0256 if strcmp(show,'on'),
0257     figure;
0258     if ~isempty(noise),
0259         MultiPlotXY([time signal],[time squaredSignal],[time normalizedSquaredSignal],[time noise(:,2)],[time squaredNoise],[time normalizedSquaredNoise]);
0260         nPlots = 6;
0261         subplot(nPlots,1,3);
0262          ylim([0 highThresholdFactor*1.1]);
0263         subplot(nPlots,1,6);
0264           ylim([0 highThresholdFactor*1.1]);
0265     else
0266         MultiPlotXY([time signal],[time squaredSignal],[time normalizedSquaredSignal]);
0267 %          MultiPlotXY(time,signal,time,squaredSignal,time,normalizedSquaredSignal);
0268         nPlots = 3;
0269         subplot(nPlots,1,3);
0270           ylim([0 highThresholdFactor*1.1]);
0271     end
0272     for i = 1:nPlots,
0273         subplot(nPlots,1,i);
0274         hold on;
0275           yLim = ylim;
0276         for j=1:size(ripples,1),
0277             plot([ripples(j,1) ripples(j,1)],yLim,'g-');
0278             plot([ripples(j,2) ripples(j,2)],yLim,'k-');
0279             plot([ripples(j,3) ripples(j,3)],yLim,'r-');
0280             if i == 3,
0281                 plot([ripples(j,1) ripples(j,3)],[ripples(j,4) ripples(j,4)],'k-');
0282             end
0283         end
0284         for j=1:size(bad,1),
0285             plot([bad(j,1) bad(j,1)],yLim,'k-');
0286             plot([bad(j,2) bad(j,2)],yLim,'k-');
0287             plot([bad(j,3) bad(j,3)],yLim,'k-');
0288             if i == 3,
0289                 plot([bad(j,1) bad(j,3)],[bad(j,4) bad(j,4)],'k-');
0290             end
0291         end
0292         if mod(i,3) == 0,
0293             plot(xlim,[lowThresholdFactor lowThresholdFactor],'k','linestyle','--');
0294             plot(xlim,[highThresholdFactor highThresholdFactor],'k-');
0295         end
0296     end
0297 end
0299 function y = Filter0(b,x)
0301 if size(x,1) == 1,
0302     x = x(:);
0303 end
0305 if mod(length(b),2) ~= 1,
0306     error('filter order should be odd');
0307 end
0309 shift = (length(b)-1)/2;
0311 [y0 z] = filter(b,1,x);
0313 y = [y0(shift+1:end,:) ; z(1:shift,:)];
0315 function [U,stdA] = unity(A,sd,restrict)
0317 if ~isempty(restrict),
0318     meanA = mean(A(restrict));
0319     stdA = std(A(restrict));
0320 else
0321     meanA = mean(A);
0322     stdA = std(A);
0323 end
0324 if ~isempty(sd),
0325     stdA = sd;
0326 end
0328 U = (A - meanA)/stdA;

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