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PETHTransition - Find a transition point in a peri-event time histogram (PETH).


function delay = PETHTransition(psth,timeBins,varargin)


PETHTransition - Find a transition point in a peri-event time histogram (PETH).

 Find a transition point in a peri-event time histogram using the maximum
 likelihood or mean square error algorithm of Friedman and Priebe (1998), or
 piecewise linear fit.


    delay = PETHTransition(peth,timeBins,<options>)

    peth           PETH (computed using <a href="matlab:help SyncHist">SyncHist</a>)
    timeBins       time bins
    <options>      optional list of property-value pairs (see table below)

     Properties    Values
     'method'      either 'ml' (maximum likelihood, default), 'ls' (least
                   squares) or 'pl' (piecewise linear)
     'show'        either 'on' (default) or 'off'


    [raster,indices] = Sync(spikes,stimuli);     % compute spike raster data
    figure;PlotSync(raster,indices);             % plot spike raster
    [s,t] = SyncHist(raster,indices);            % compute PETH
    delay = PETHTransition(s,t);                 % find transition point


    See also Sync, SyncHist, SyncMap, PlotSync.


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function delay = PETHTransition(psth,timeBins,varargin)
0003 %PETHTransition - Find a transition point in a peri-event time histogram (PETH).
0004 %
0005 % Find a transition point in a peri-event time histogram using the maximum
0006 % likelihood or mean square error algorithm of Friedman and Priebe (1998), or
0007 % piecewise linear fit.
0008 %
0009 %  USAGE
0010 %
0011 %    delay = PETHTransition(peth,timeBins,<options>)
0012 %
0013 %    peth           PETH (computed using <a href="matlab:help SyncHist">SyncHist</a>)
0014 %    timeBins       time bins
0015 %    <options>      optional list of property-value pairs (see table below)
0016 %
0017 %    =========================================================================
0018 %     Properties    Values
0019 %    -------------------------------------------------------------------------
0020 %     'method'      either 'ml' (maximum likelihood, default), 'ls' (least
0021 %                   squares) or 'pl' (piecewise linear)
0022 %     'show'        either 'on' (default) or 'off'
0023 %    =========================================================================
0024 %
0025 %  EXAMPLE
0026 %
0027 %    [raster,indices] = Sync(spikes,stimuli);     % compute spike raster data
0028 %    figure;PlotSync(raster,indices);             % plot spike raster
0029 %    [s,t] = SyncHist(raster,indices);            % compute PETH
0030 %    delay = PETHTransition(s,t);                 % find transition point
0031 %
0032 %  SEE
0033 %
0034 %    See also Sync, SyncHist, SyncMap, PlotSync.
0036 % Copyright (C) 2004-2011 by Michaƫl Zugaro
0037 %
0038 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0039 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0040 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
0041 % (at your option) any later version.
0043 % Defaults
0044 method = 'ml';
0045 show = false;
0047 % Check number of parameters
0048 if nargin < 2 | mod(length(varargin),2) ~= 0,
0049   error('Incorrect number of parameters (type ''help <a href="matlab:help PETHTransition">PETHTransition</a>'' for details).');
0050 end
0052 % Parse parameter list
0053 for i = 1:2:length(varargin),
0054   if ~ischar(varargin{i}),
0055     error(['Parameter ' num2str(i+1) ' is not a property (type ''help <a href="matlab:help PETHTransition">PETHTransition</a>'' for details).']);
0056   end
0057   switch(lower(varargin{i})),
0059     case 'method',
0060         method = lower(varargin{i+1});
0061       if ~isastring(method,'ml','ls','pl'),
0062         error('Incorrect value for property ''method'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help PETHTransition">PETHTransition</a>'' for details).');
0063       end
0065     case {'show','plot'},
0066         show = lower(varargin{i+1});
0067         if ~isastring(show,'on','off'),
0068         error('Incorrect value for property ''show'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help PETHTransition">PETHTransition</a>'' for details).');
0069       end
0071     otherwise,
0072       error(['Unknown property ''' num2str(varargin{i}) ''' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help PETHTransition">PETHTransition</a>'' for details).']);
0074   end
0075 end
0077 if strcmp(method,'ml'),
0079     % Maximum likelihood
0081     f = psth;
0082     n = length(f);
0083     for i = 1:n,
0084         F(i) = sum(log(1:max([1 f(i)])));
0085     end
0086     for theta = 1:n-1,
0087         t1 = 1:theta;t1 = t1';
0088         t2 = theta+1:n;t2 = t2';
0089         lambda1 = sum(f(t1))/(theta+1);
0090         lambda2 = sum(f(t2))/(n-theta);
0091         likelihood(theta) =  ...
0092             - lambda1 * (theta+1) ...
0093             + log(lambda1) * sum(f(t1)) ...
0094             - sum(F(t1)) ...
0095             - lambda2 * (n-theta) ...
0096             + log(lambda2) * sum(f(t2)) ...
0097             - sum(F(t2));
0098     end
0099     likelihood(end+1) = likelihood(end); % dummy value
0100     d = find(likelihood == max(likelihood));
0101     d = d(1);
0102     delay = timeBins(d);
0104     if show,
0105         fig = figure;
0106         set(fig,'name','PETH Transition - Maximum Likelihood','number','off');
0107         subplot(2,1,1);hold on;
0108         bar(timeBins,psth);
0109         plot([delay delay],ylim,'k','linestyle','--');
0110         title(['delay = ' num2str(delay) ' s']);
0111         ylabel('Occurrences');
0112         subplot(2,1,2);hold on;
0113         plot(timeBins,likelihood,'Color',[1 0 0],'Marker','none','LineStyle','-');
0114         plot([delay delay],ylim,'k','linestyle','--');
0115         xlabel('Time (s)');
0116         ylabel('Likelihood');
0117     end
0119 elseif strcmp(method,'ls'),
0121     % Least square error
0123     f0 = psth;
0124     n0 = length(f0);
0125     t0 = 1:n0;t0 = t0';
0126     for i = 1:n0,
0127         F0(i) = sum(f0(1:i-1));
0128     end
0129     F0 = F0';
0130     start = 1;
0131     stop = length(f0);
0132     f = f0(start:stop);
0133     n = length(f);
0134     for i = 1:length(f),
0135         F(i) = sum(f(1:i-1));
0136     end
0137     F = F';
0138     t = 1:n;t = t';
0139     squaredSum(1:n) = NaN;
0140     for theta = 2:n-1,
0141         t1 = 1:theta; t1 = t1';
0142         t2 = theta+1:n; t2 = t2';
0143         lambda1(theta) = ...
0144             (...
0145             - sum(t1 .* F(t1)) ...
0146             - theta * sum(F(t2)) ...
0147             + theta * sum(theta-t2) * sum(F(t2) .* (theta-t2)) / sum((theta-t2).^2) ...
0148             ) / (...
0149             + theta^2 * sum(theta-t2) * sum(theta-t2) / sum((theta-t2).^2) ...
0150             - sum(t1.^2) ...
0151             - theta^2 * (n-theta) ...
0152             );
0153         lambda2(theta) = ...
0154             (...
0155             + lambda1(theta) * theta * sum(theta-t2) ...
0156             - sum(F(t2).*(theta-t2)) ...
0157             ) ...
0158             / sum((theta-t2).^2);
0159         squaredSum(theta) =  ...
0160             + sum((F(t1)-lambda1(theta)*t1).^2) ...
0161             + sum((F(t2)-lambda1(theta)*theta+lambda2(theta)*(theta-t2)).^2);
0162     end
0163     d = find(squaredSum == min(squaredSum));
0164     d = d(1);
0165     delay = timeBins(d);
0167     if show,
0168         fig = figure;
0169         set(fig,'name','PETH Transition - Least Square Error','number','off');
0170         subplot(2,1,1);hold on;
0171         bar(timeBins,psth);
0172         plot([delay delay],ylim,'k','linestyle','--');
0173         title(['delay = ' num2str(delay) ' s']);
0174         ylabel('Occurrences');
0175         subplot(2,1,2);hold on;
0176         t1 = 1:d;t1 = t1';
0177         t2 = d+1:n;t2 = t2';
0178         plot(timeBins(t0),F0,'Color',[1 0 0],'Marker','none','LineStyle','-');
0179         plot(timeBins(t1+start-1),lambda1(d)*(t1)+F0(start),'Color',[0 0 0]);
0180         plot(timeBins(t2+start-1),lambda2(d)*(t2-d)+lambda1(d)*(d)+F0(start),'Color',[0 0 0]);
0181         plot([delay delay],ylim,'k','linestyle','--');
0182         xlabel('Time (s)');
0183         ylabel('Cumulative count');
0184     end
0186 elseif strcmp(method,'pl')
0188     % Piecewise linear regression
0190     f = psth;
0192     n = length(f);
0193     t = 1:n;t = t';
0194     for theta = 2:n-2,
0195         t1 = 1:theta;t1 = t1';
0196         t2 = theta+1:n;t2 = t2';
0197         a1(theta) = LinearRegression(t1,f(t1));
0198         a2(theta) = LinearRegression(t2,f(t2),a1(theta)*theta);
0199         squaredSum(theta) = sum((f(t1)-a1(theta)*t1).^2) ...
0200             + sum((f(t2)-a2(theta)*t2-a1(theta)*theta).^2);
0201     end
0202     squaredSum(1) = Inf;
0203     d = find(squaredSum == min(squaredSum));
0204     d = d(1);
0205     delay = timeBins(d);
0207     if show,
0208         fig = figure;
0209         set(fig,'name','PETH Transition - Piecewise Linear Fit','number','off');
0210         subplot(2,1,1);hold on;
0211         bar(timeBins,psth);
0212         plot([delay delay],ylim,'k','linestyle','--');
0213         title(['delay = ' num2str(delay) ' s']);
0214         ylabel('Occurrences');
0215         subplot(2,1,2);hold on;
0216         t1 = 1:d;t1 = t1';
0217         t2 = d+1:n;t2 = t2';
0218         plot(timeBins(t),f,'Color',[1 0 0],'Marker','o','LineStyle','none');
0219         plot(timeBins(t1),a1(d)*t1,'k');
0220         plot(timeBins(t2),a2(d)*t2+a1(d)*d,'k');
0221         plot([delay delay],ylim,'k','linestyle','--');
0222         xlabel('Time (s)');
0223         ylabel('Occurrences');
0224     end
0226 end
0228 function [a,b] = LinearRegression(x,y,b)
0230 if nargin == 2, b = 0; end
0232 y = y - b;
0233 X = sum(x);
0234 X2 = sum(x.^2);
0235 Y = sum(y);
0236 XY = sum(x.*y);
0237 n = length(x);
0239 b = (Y*X2-X*XY) / (n*X2-X.^2);
0240 a = (n*XY-X*Y) / (n*X2-X.^2);

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