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FieldPSP - Measure field EPSPs (waveforms, slope, amplitude) across time.


function stats = FieldPSP(stims,lfp,varargin)


FieldPSP - Measure field EPSPs (waveforms, slope, amplitude) across time.

  Slope is determined as the maximum slope during the time window around stimulation.
  Amplitude is determined as the maximum amplitude during the same time window.


    stats = FieldPSP(stims,lfp,<options>)

    stims          stimulation timestamps
    lfp            local field potential <a href="matlab:help samples">samples</a>
    <options>      optional list of property-value pairs (see table below)

     Properties    Values
     'direction'   direction of the field EPSP, either 'up' (recording
                   from str. pyr., default) or 'down' (recording from str.
     'durations'   durations before and after synchronizing events for each
                   trial (in s) (default = [-0.01 0.02])
     'slope'       where max slope should be sought (default = [0.001 0.005])
     'amplitude'   where max amplitude should be sought
                   (default = [0.005 0.010])
     'mode'        compute slope and amplitude running averages using a
                   fixed time window ('time'), or a window with a fixed
                   number of stimulations ('count', default)
     'window'      window length (in s or in counts) for running averages
                   (default = 100)
     'show'        either 'on' or 'off' (default)


    stats.amplitude.t         times of max amplitude (relative to stimulation)
    stats.amplitude.v         values of max amplitudes
    stats.slope.t             times of max slopes (relative to stimulation)
    stats.slope.v             values of max slopes
    stats.psp.t               times of fPSP samples (relative to stimulation)
    stats.psp.v               fPSP waveforms, one per stimulation


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function stats = FieldPSP(stims,lfp,varargin)
0003 %FieldPSP - Measure field EPSPs (waveforms, slope, amplitude) across time.
0004 %
0005 %  Slope is determined as the maximum slope during the time window around stimulation.
0006 %  Amplitude is determined as the maximum amplitude during the same time window.
0007 %
0008 %  USAGE
0009 %
0010 %    stats = FieldPSP(stims,lfp,<options>)
0011 %
0012 %    stims          stimulation timestamps
0013 %    lfp            local field potential <a href="matlab:help samples">samples</a>
0014 %    <options>      optional list of property-value pairs (see table below)
0015 %
0016 %    =========================================================================
0017 %     Properties    Values
0018 %    -------------------------------------------------------------------------
0019 %     'direction'   direction of the field EPSP, either 'up' (recording
0020 %                   from str. pyr., default) or 'down' (recording from str.
0021 %                   radiatum)
0022 %     'durations'   durations before and after synchronizing events for each
0023 %                   trial (in s) (default = [-0.01 0.02])
0024 %     'slope'       where max slope should be sought (default = [0.001 0.005])
0025 %     'amplitude'   where max amplitude should be sought
0026 %                   (default = [0.005 0.010])
0027 %     'mode'        compute slope and amplitude running averages using a
0028 %                   fixed time window ('time'), or a window with a fixed
0029 %                   number of stimulations ('count', default)
0030 %     'window'      window length (in s or in counts) for running averages
0031 %                   (default = 100)
0032 %     'show'        either 'on' or 'off' (default)
0033 %    =========================================================================
0034 %
0035 %  OUTPUT
0036 %
0037 %    stats.amplitude.t         times of max amplitude (relative to stimulation)
0038 %    stats.amplitude.v         values of max amplitudes
0039 %    stats.slope.t             times of max slopes (relative to stimulation)
0040 %    stats.slope.v             values of max slopes
0041 %    stats.psp.t               times of fPSP samples (relative to stimulation)
0042 %    stats.psp.v               fPSP waveforms, one per stimulation
0043 %
0045 % Copyright (C) 2010-2012 by Michaƫl Zugaro
0046 %
0047 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0048 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0049 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
0050 % (at your option) any later version.
0052 % Default values
0053 parent = [];
0054 durations = [-0.01 0.02];
0055 mode = 'count';
0056 window = 100;
0057 direction = 'up';
0058 stats = [];
0059 show = 'off';
0060 slopeWindow = [0.001 0.005];
0061 amplitudeWindow = [0.005 0.010];
0063 % Check number of parameters
0064 if nargin < 2 | mod(length(varargin),2) ~= 0,
0065   error('Incorrect number of parameters (type ''help <a href="matlab:help FieldPSP">FieldPSP</a>'' for details).');
0066 end
0068 % Check parameter sizes
0069 if ~isdvector(stims),
0070     error('Parameter ''stims'' is not a vector (type ''help <a href="matlab:help FieldPSP">FieldPSP</a>'' for details).');
0071 end
0072 if ~isdmatrix(lfp),
0073     error('Parameter ''lfp'' is not a matrix (type ''help <a href="matlab:help FieldPSP">FieldPSP</a>'' for details).');
0074 end
0076 % Parse parameter list
0077 for i = 1:2:length(varargin),
0078     if ~ischar(varargin{i}),
0079         error(['Parameter ' num2str(i+2) ' is not a property (type ''help <a href="matlab:help FieldPSP">FieldPSP</a>'' for details).']);
0080     end
0081     switch(lower(varargin{i})),
0082         case 'direction',
0083             direction = lower(varargin{i+1});
0084             if ~isastring(direction,'up','down'),
0085                 error('Incorrect value for property ''direction'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help FieldPSP">FieldPSP</a>'' for details).');
0086             end
0087         case 'durations',
0088             durations = varargin{i+1};
0089             if ~isdvector(durations,'#2','<'),
0090                 error('Incorrect value for property ''durations'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help FieldPSP">FieldPSP</a>'' for details).');
0091             end
0092         case 'slope',
0093             slopeWindow = varargin{i+1};
0094             if ~isdvector(slopeWindow,'#2','<'),
0095                 error('Incorrect value for property ''slope'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help FieldPSP">FieldPSP</a>'' for details).');
0096             end
0097         case 'amplitude',
0098             amplitudeWindow = varargin{i+1};
0099             if ~isdvector(amplitudeWindow,'#2','<'),
0100                 error('Incorrect value for property ''amplitude'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help FieldPSP">FieldPSP</a>'' for details).');
0101             end
0102         case 'mode',
0103             mode = lower(varargin{i+1});
0104             if ~isastring(mode,'time','count'),
0105                 error('Incorrect value for property ''mode'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help FieldPSP">FieldPSP</a>'' for details).');
0106             end
0107         case 'parent',
0108             parent = varargin{i+1};
0109             if ~ishandle(parent),
0110                 error('Incorrect value for property ''parent'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help FieldPSP">FieldPSP</a>'' for details).');
0111             end
0112         case 'window',
0113             window = varargin{i+1};
0114             if ~isdscalar(window,'>0'),
0115                 error('Incorrect value for property ''window'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help FieldPSP">FieldPSP</a>'' for details).');
0116             end
0117         case 'show',
0118             show = lower(varargin{i+1});
0119             if ~isastring(show,'on','off'),
0120                 error('Incorrect value for property ''show'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help FieldPSP">FieldPSP</a>'' for details).');
0121             end
0122         otherwise,
0123             error(['Unknown property ''' num2str(varargin{i}) ''' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help FieldPSP">FieldPSP</a>'' for details).']);
0124     end
0125 end
0127 up = strcmp(direction,'up');
0128 show = strcmp(show,'on');
0130 % Some analyses depend on the method (fixed time vs fixed count), but others do not
0131 % To simplify the code, we will use two variables:
0132 %  - stims0 uses time, whatever the method
0133 %  - stims  uses either time or count, depending on the method
0134 stims0 = stims;
0135 if strcmp(mode,'count'),
0136     stims = (1:length(stims))';
0137 end
0139 % Constants
0140 nStims = length(stims);
0141 height = max(lfp(:,2))-min(lfp(:,2));
0142 nSlices = 12;
0143 start = stims(1);
0144 stop = stims(end);
0145 window = (stop-start)/nSlices;
0146 slices = (0:nSlices-1)*window+start;
0147 nStims = length(stims);
0148 frequency = 1/median(diff(lfp(:,1)));
0149 smooth = frequency/1250;
0150 nStimsPlottedPerSlice = 5;
0151 nStimsPerSlice = nStims/nSlices;
0152 nSkip = floor(nStims/(nSlices*(nStimsPlottedPerSlice-1))); % plot one stim every n
0153 colors = Bright(nStimsPlottedPerSlice);
0155 % Compute slope and amplitude for each stimulation
0157 % Resynchronize all fPSPs (use only 15ms after stims)
0158 [sync,index] = Sync(lfp,stims0,'durations',durations);
0160 % Preallocate large matrix to store all fPSPs
0161 n = sum(index==1);
0162 stats.psp.v = nan(nStims,n);
0163 stats.psp.t = linspace(durations(1),durations(2),n);
0164 % Compute slope and amplitude for each stimulation
0165 if show, figure; end
0166 for i = 1:nStims,
0167     % Select the appropriate data, store in fPSP matrix, smooth and differentiate
0168     s = sync(index==i,:);
0169     stats.psp.v(i,:) = interp1(s(:,1),s(:,2),stats.psp.t);
0170     s(:,2) = Smooth(s(:,2),smooth);
0171     % Compute amplitude as the first local maximum (or minimum) in the appropriate time interval
0172     in = InIntervals(s(:,1),amplitudeWindow);
0173     if up,
0174         extrema = find(IsExtremum(s)&in);
0175     else
0176         extrema = find(IsExtremum(s,'mode','minima')&in);
0177     end
0178     if isempty(extrema),
0179         amplitude(i) = nan;
0180         tAmplitude(i) = nan;
0181         slope(i) = nan;
0182         tSlope(i) = nan;
0183         continue;
0184     end
0185     extremum = extrema(1);
0186     tAmplitude(i) = s(extremum,1);
0187     amplitude(i) = s(extremum,2);
0188     % Compute slope as the maximum slope in the appropriate time interval
0189     % (set all values outside this time interval to nan to make sure the max will be in the interval)
0190     ds = Diff(s);
0191     ds(~InIntervals(ds(:,1),slopeWindow),2) = nan;
0192     if up,
0193         [slope(i),j] = nanmax(ds(:,2));
0194     else
0195         [slope(i),j] = nanmin(ds(:,2));
0196     end
0197     tSlope(i) = ds(j,1);
0198     % Plot slope and amplitude
0199     slice = floor(i/nStimsPerSlice);
0200     stimInSlice = floor(i-1-slice*nStimsPerSlice);
0201     if show && rem(stimInSlice,nSkip) == 0 && stimInSlice >= 0,
0202         k = ceil(nSlices*i/nStims);
0203         l = floor(stimInSlice/nSkip)+1;
0204         if l <= nStimsPlottedPerSlice,
0205             SquareSubplot(nSlices,k);
0206             xlabel(num2str(slices(k)));
0207             hold on;
0208             PlotXY(s,'color',colors(l,:),'linewidth',3);
0209             PlotSlope(tAmplitude(i),amplitude(i),0,0.005,'r');
0210             PlotSlope(tSlope(i),s(j,2),slope(i),0.005,'k');
0211         end
0212     end
0213 end
0215 % Make sure all subplots use the same scale
0216 if show, AdjustAxes('y','uniform'); end
0218 stats.amplitude.t = tAmplitude;
0219 stats.amplitude.v = amplitude;
0220 stats.slope.t = tSlope;
0221 stats.slope.v = slope;
0223 % Additional figures: mean fPSPs, slopes and amplitudes (scatterplots + running averages), CVs, ISIs and short time CCGs
0225 if show,
0226     % Mean fPSPs
0227     figure;
0228     for i = 1:nSlices,
0229         if strcmp(mode,'count'),
0230             start = floor((i-1)*nStimsPerSlice)+1;
0231             stop = floor(i*nStimsPerSlice);
0232             ok = start:stop;
0233         else
0234             ok = find(InIntervals(stims,[0 window]+start+(i-1)*window));
0235         end
0236         m = mean(stats.psp.v(ok,:));
0237         e = sem(stats.psp.v(ok,:));
0238         SquareSubplot(nSlices,i);
0239         xlabel(num2str(slices(i)));
0240         hold on;
0241         PlotMean(stats.psp.t,m,m-e/2,m+e/2,':');
0242     end
0243     % Make sure all subplots use the same scale
0244     AdjustAxes('y','uniform');
0246     figure;
0247     % 'Rectify' slope and amplitude
0248     if ~up,
0249         amplitude = -amplitude;
0250         slope = -slope;
0251     end
0252     if strcmp(mode,'time'),
0253         xLabel = 'Time (s)';
0254     else
0255         xLabel = 'Count';
0256     end
0257     % Slope (scatterplot)
0258     subplot(2,3,1);
0259     hold on;
0260     plot(stims,slope,'.','markersize',1);
0261     % Slope (running average)
0262     [ts,ms,es] = RunningAverage(stims,slope,'window',window,'overlap',0.5*window);
0263     PlotMean(ts,ms,es(:,1),es(:,2),':','k');
0264     PlotHVLines(slices,'v','color',[0.8 0.8 0.8]);
0265     xlim([stims(1,1) stims(end,1)]);
0266     ylabel('Slope (a.u.)');
0267     set(gca,'xtick',[]);
0268     % Slope time (scatterplot)
0269     subplot(2,3,2);
0270     hold on;
0271     plot(stims,tSlope*1000,'.','markersize',1);
0272     % Slope time (running average)
0273     [ts,ms,es] = RunningAverage(stims,tSlope*1000,'window',window,'overlap',0.5*window);
0274     PlotMean(ts,ms,es(:,1),es(:,2),':','k');
0275     PlotHVLines(slices,'v','color',[0.8 0.8 0.8]);
0276     xlim([stims(1,1) stims(end,1)]);
0277     ylabel('Slope time (ms)');
0278     set(gca,'xtick',[]);
0280     % Amplitude (scatter)
0281     subplot(2,3,4);
0282     hold on;
0283     plot(stims,amplitude,'.','markersize',1);
0284     % Amplitude (running average)
0285     [ta,ma,ea] = RunningAverage(stims,amplitude,'window',window,'overlap',0.5*window);
0286     PlotMean(ta,ma,ea(:,1),ea(:,2),':','k');
0287     PlotHVLines(slices,'v','color',[0.8 0.8 0.8]);
0288     xlim([stims(1,1) stims(end,1)]);
0289     xlabel(xLabel);
0290     ylabel('Amplitude (a.u.)');
0291     % Amplitude time (scatter)
0292     subplot(2,3,5);
0293     hold on;
0294     plot(stims,tAmplitude*1000,'.','markersize',1);
0295     % Amplitude time (running average)
0296     [ta,ma,ea] = RunningAverage(stims,tAmplitude*1000,'window',window,'overlap',0.5*window);
0297     xlim([stims(1,1) stims(end,1)]);
0298     PlotMean(ta,ma,ea(:,1),ea(:,2),':','k');
0299     PlotHVLines(slices,'v','color',[0.8 0.8 0.8]);
0300     ylabel('Amplitude time (ms)');
0301     xlabel(xLabel);
0303     % ISIs
0304     subplot(2,3,3);
0305     ds = diff(stims0(:,1));
0306     x = 0:0.1:10;
0307     h = hist(ds,x);
0308     h = h/sum(h);
0309     bar(x,h);
0310     xlabel('ISI');
0311     xlim([0 10]);
0312     ylabel('Count');
0313     % CV and CV2
0314     binSize = 0.1;
0315     smooth = 10;
0316     for i = 1:20,
0317         cv(i) = CV(stims0,'order',i,'binSize',binSize,'smooth',smooth,'method','fixed');
0318     end
0319     cv2 = CV(stims0,'measure','cv2');
0320     subplot(2,3,6);
0321     plot(cv,'+-');
0322     hold on;
0323     plot(cv2,'r+');
0324     xlabel('nth ISI');
0325     ylabel('CV & CV2');
0327     % Stims autocorrelograms
0328     figure;
0329     [ccg,x,y] = ShortTimeCCG(stims0,'min',1,'mode','norm','smooth',[2 0]);
0330     PlotShortTimeCCG(ccg,'x',x,'y',y);
0331     clim([0 0.01]);
0332 end

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