Home > FMAToolbox > Analyses > RadialMazeTurns.m



RadialMazeTurns - Compute distribution of successive turn angles in radial maze.


function turnDistribution = RadialMazeTurns(data,mode)


RadialMazeTurns - Compute distribution of successive turn angles in radial maze.

    In order to detect stereotypic egocentric strategies that a rat could employ to
  solve a radial maze task, this function determines the distribution (over trials)
  of successive turn angles: if the rat does follow an egocentric strategy, then
  successive turn angles are expected to reproduce a stereotypical sequence.


    distribution = RadialMazeTurns(data,mode)

    data           list of [rat day trial arm configuration group] tuples
    mode           optional complementary analysis; possibilities include
                   'good' (include only trials with <=2 errors), 'preferred'
                   (include only trials starting with the preferred arm) and
                   'non-preferred' (include only trials starting with any
                   arm except the preferred arm) (default = 'preferred')


    The data is assumed to be ordered, i.e. sorted by rat, configuration, day, and trial.

    The 'preferred' arm is the most visited arm on the first visit.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function turnDistribution = RadialMazeTurns(data,mode)
0003 %RadialMazeTurns - Compute distribution of successive turn angles in radial maze.
0004 %
0005 %    In order to detect stereotypic egocentric strategies that a rat could employ to
0006 %  solve a radial maze task, this function determines the distribution (over trials)
0007 %  of successive turn angles: if the rat does follow an egocentric strategy, then
0008 %  successive turn angles are expected to reproduce a stereotypical sequence.
0009 %
0010 %  USAGE
0011 %
0012 %    distribution = RadialMazeTurns(data,mode)
0013 %
0014 %    data           list of [rat day trial arm configuration group] tuples
0015 %    mode           optional complementary analysis; possibilities include
0016 %                   'good' (include only trials with <=2 errors), 'preferred'
0017 %                   (include only trials starting with the preferred arm) and
0018 %                   'non-preferred' (include only trials starting with any
0019 %                   arm except the preferred arm) (default = 'preferred')
0020 %
0021 %  NOTES
0022 %
0023 %    The data is assumed to be ordered, i.e. sorted by rat, configuration, day, and trial.
0024 %
0025 %    The 'preferred' arm is the most visited arm on the first visit.
0027 % Copyright (C) 2009-2011 by Michaƫl Zugaro
0028 %
0029 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0030 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0031 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
0032 % (at your option) any later version.
0036 if nargin < 2,
0037     mode = 'preferred';
0038 else
0039     mode = lower(mode);
0040 end
0042 nTrials = 3;
0043 nArms = 8;
0044 turnAngles = (-3:4)'*45;
0045 armAngles = mod(360-(2:9)'*45,360)-180; % arm 1 is at 12:00, arm 3 at 15:00, etc.
0047 % Column names for the 'data' matrix
0048 RAT = 1;
0049 DAY = 2;
0050 TRIAL = 3;
0051 CONF = 4;
0052 GROUP = 5;
0053 ARM = 6;
0054 arms = data(:,ARM);
0055 trials = data(:,TRIAL);
0056 rats = data(:,RAT);
0057 configurations = data(:,CONF);
0058 days = data(:,DAY);
0059 groups = data(:,GROUP);
0061 if nargin < 1,
0062   error('Incorrect number of parameters (type ''help <a href="matlab:help RadialMazeTurns">RadialMazeTurns</a>'' for details).');
0063 end
0066 % Turn angles are differences in successive arm angles (numbers)
0067 turns = diff(data(:,ARM));
0068 % Keep in [1,8]
0069 turns = mod(4-turns,8);
0070 turns(turns==0) = 8;
0071 turns = [0;turns];
0073 % Differences in succesive arm angles are meaningless when they correspond to different rats
0074 % (or configurations, or days, or trials): we will have to remove those cases, so we store this
0075 % information for later use
0076 change_rat = diff(data(:,RAT)) ~= 0;
0077 change_configuration = diff(data(:,CONF)) ~= 0;
0078 change_day = diff(data(:,DAY)) ~= 0;
0079 change_trial = diff(data(:,TRIAL)) ~= 0;
0080 change = change_rat|change_configuration|change_day|change_trial;
0081 change = [true;change];
0082 valid = ~change;
0084 % Trials longer than this limit will be discarded from the final analysis
0085 maxVisits = 5;
0087 % Group days 1-5, 6-10 and 11-15
0088 nBlocks = 3;
0089 blocks = Bin(days,nBlocks);
0091 % For each trial, label visits from 1 to N
0092 newTrial = [change;false];
0093 nVisits = diff([1;find(newTrial)]);
0094 visits = ones(size(change));
0095 visits(newTrial) = -nVisits+1;
0096 visits = cumsum(visits);
0098 P = [];
0099 nGroups = max(groups);
0100 for group = 1:nGroups,
0102     ratsInThisGroup = unique(rats(groups==group));
0104     nRats = length(ratsInThisGroup);
0105     for r = 1:nRats,
0106         thisRat = rats==ratsInThisGroup(r);
0107         fig = figure('position',[1285 52 1272 890]);
0108         c1 = uicontainer('position',[0 0 1 0.85]);
0109         c2 = uicontainer('position',[0 0.85 1 0.08]);
0110         c3 = uicontainer('position',[0 0.93 1 0.07]);
0112         nConfigurations = max(configurations);
0113         for configuration = 1:nConfigurations,
0115             thisConfiguration = configurations==configuration;
0117             for block = 1:nBlocks+1,  % iteration nBlocks+1 will provide more details about last block
0119                 thisBlock = blocks==min([block nBlocks]);
0121                 % Find most visited arm on first visit
0122                 nVisitsInEachArm = hist(arms(thisRat&thisConfiguration&visits==1),1:8);
0123                 [~,preferredArm] = max(nVisitsInEachArm);
0125                 % Compute distributions of turns (across trials and days) for successive visits
0126                 T = turns(valid&thisRat&thisConfiguration&thisBlock);
0127                 N = visits(valid&thisRat&thisConfiguration&thisBlock)-1; % turn number
0128                 if block == nBlocks+1,
0129                     if strcmp(mode,'preferred'),
0130                         % Discard trials starting with non-preferred arm
0131                         a = arms([valid(2:end,1);logical(1)]&thisRat&thisConfiguration&thisBlock);
0132                         i = length(N);
0133                         while i > 1,
0134                             n = N(i);
0135                             if a(i-n+1) ~= preferredArm,
0136                                 T(i-n+1:i)=[];
0137                                 N(i-n+1:i)=[];
0138                                 a(i-n+1:i)=[];
0139                             end
0140                             i = i - n;
0141                         end
0142                     elseif strcmp(mode,'non-preferred'),
0143                         % Discard trials starting with preferred arm
0144                         a = arms([valid(2:end,1);logical(1)]&thisRat&thisConfiguration&thisBlock);
0145                         i = length(N);
0146                         while i > 1,
0147                             n = N(i);
0148                             if a(i-n+1) == preferredArm,
0149                                 T(i-n+1:i)=[];
0150                                 N(i-n+1:i)=[];
0151                                 a(i-n+1:i)=[];
0152                             end
0153                             i = i - n;
0154                         end
0155                     else
0156                         % Discard long trials
0157                         i = length(N);
0158                         while i > 1,
0159                             n = N(i);
0160                             if n > maxVisits-1,
0161                                 T(i-n+1:i)=[];
0162                                 N(i-n+1:i)=[];
0163                             end
0164                             i = i - n;
0165                         end
0166                     end
0167                     if length(T) < 2, continue; end
0168                 end
0169                 turnDistribution = Accumulate([T N],1,[8 max(N)]);
0170                 nTurns = size(turnDistribution,2);
0172                 % Plot arm histograms
0173                 A = arms(thisRat&thisConfiguration&thisBlock);
0174                 V = visits(thisRat&thisConfiguration&thisBlock);
0175                 if block == nBlocks+1,
0176                     if strcmp(mode,'preferred'),
0177                         % Discard trials starting with non-preferred arm
0178                         i = length(V);
0179                         a = arms([valid(1,2:end);logical(1)]&thisRat&thisConfiguration&thisBlock);
0180                         while i > 1,
0181                             n = V(i);
0182                             if a(i-n+1) ~= preferredArm,
0183                                 V(i-n+1:i)=[];
0184                                 A(i-n+1:i)=[];
0185                                 a(i-n+1:i)=[];
0186                             end
0187                             i = i - n;
0188                         end
0189                     elseif strcmp(mode,'non-preferred'),
0190                         % Discard trials starting with preferred arm
0191                         a = arms([valid(2:end,1);logical(1)]&thisRat&thisConfiguration&thisBlock);
0192                         i = length(N);
0193                         while i > 1,
0194                             n = N(i);
0195                             if a(i-n+1) == preferredArm,
0196                                 V(i-n+1:i)=[];
0197                                 A(i-n+1:i)=[];
0198                                 a(i-n+1:i)=[];
0199                             end
0200                             i = i - n;
0201                         end
0202                     else
0203                         % Discard long trials
0204                         i = length(V);
0205                         while i > 1,
0206                             n = V(i);
0207                             if n > maxVisits,
0208                                 V(i-n+1:i)=[];
0209                                 A(i-n+1:i)=[];
0210                             end
0211                             i = i - n;
0212                         end
0213                     end
0214                 end
0215                 armDistribution = Accumulate([A V],1,[8 max(V)]);
0216                 nVisits = size(armDistribution,2);
0217                 for i = 1:nVisits,
0218                     subplot(1,nVisits*(nBlocks+1),i+(block-1)*nVisits,'parent',c3);hold on;
0219                     %  Setup axes
0220                     m = 1.5*max(armDistribution(:,i));
0221                     tt = 0:0.01:2*pi;
0222                     fill(m*cos(tt),m*sin(tt),'w');
0223                     %  Plot
0224                     h = rose(armAngles(A(V==i))*pi/180,(0:22.5:360)*pi/180);
0225                     set(h,'color','k');
0226                     xlim([-1 1]*m);
0227                     ylim([-1 1]*m);
0228                     axis square;axis off;
0229                 end
0231                 % Plot turn histograms
0232                 for i = 1:nTurns,
0233                     subplot(1,nTurns*(nBlocks+1),i+(block-1)*nTurns,'parent',c2);hold on;
0234                     % Setup axes
0235                     m = 1.5*max(turnDistribution(:,i));
0236                     tt = 0:0.01:2*pi;
0237                     fill(m*cos(tt),m*sin(tt),'w');
0238                     % Plot
0239                     h = rose(turnAngles(T(N==i))*pi/180,(0:22.5:360)*pi/180);
0240 %                      if sum(N==i) >= 1,
0241 %                          H = circ_raotest(turnAngles(T(N==i))*pi/180);
0242 %                          if H == 1, set(h,'color','r'); end
0243 %                      end
0244                     p = circ_rtest(turnAngles(T(N==i))*pi/180);
0245                     if p < 0.05, set(h,'color','r'); end
0246                     if block == nBlocks+1,
0247                         P = [P;p i group];
0248                     end
0249                     xlim([-1 1]*m);
0250                     ylim([-1 1]*m);
0251                     axis square;axis off;
0252                 end
0254 %  %                  subplot(2,4,block,'parent',c1);
0255 %  %                  colormap(jet(6));
0256 %  %                  td = [turnDistribution;turnDistribution(end,:)];td = [td td(:,end)];
0257 %  %                  pcolor(0:size(turnDistribution,2),(-3:5)*45,td);
0258 %  %                  caxis([0 6]);
0259 %  %                  set(gca,'ytick',(-3:4)*45);
0260 %  %  %                  set(gca,'xtick',[],'ytick',[]);
0261 %  %                  shading('flat');
0263                 % Plot distribution of turns
0264                 subplot(2,4,block,'parent',c1);
0265                 colormap(jet(6));
0266                 image(1:size(turnDistribution,2),(-3:4)*45,turnDistribution+1);
0267                 caxis([0 6]);set(gca,'ydir','normal','ytick',(-3:4)*45);
0269                 % Plot successive turns (across trials and days)
0270                 subplot(2,4,block,'parent',c1);
0271                 hold on;
0272                 start = [find(N==1);length(N)+1];
0273                 for i = 1:length(start)-1,
0274                     k = start(i):start(i+1)-1;
0275                     plot(N(k),turnAngles(T(k))+rand(length(k),1)*15,'w','LineWidth',2);
0276                 end
0278                 % Plot turn(i+1) = f(turn(i))
0279                 subplot(2,4,4+block,'parent',c1);
0280                 hold on;
0281                 start = [find(N==1);length(N)+1];
0282                 for i = 1:length(start)-1,
0283                     x = turnAngles(T(start(i):start(i+1)-2));
0284                     y = turnAngles(T(start(i)+1:start(i+1)-1));
0285                     plot(x+rand(length(x),1)*15,y+rand(length(x),1)*15,'k.-','LineWidth',1,'MarkerSize',12);
0286                 end
0288                 % Fix axes
0289                 subplot(2,4,4+block,'parent',c1);xlim([-155 200]);ylim([-155 200]);
0290                 set(gca,'xtick',turnAngles,'ytick',turnAngles);
0291             end
0292         end
0293         xlabel(['Group ' int2str(group) ' - Rat ' int2str(ratsInThisGroup(r)) ' [' mode ']']);
0294     end
0295 end
0297 figure;hold on;
0298 colors = 'rbkgmy';
0299 for group = 1:nGroups,
0300     p = P(P(:,3)==group,:);
0301     plot((p(:,3)-1)*10+p(:,2),p(:,1),colors(group),'marker','.','markersize',16,'linestyle','none');
0302 end
0303 xlim([0 nGroups*10]);
0304 PlotHVLines(0.05,'h',':');

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