Accumulate | Accumulate - Accumulate repeated observations. |
Array2Matrix | Array2Matrix - Transform an N-dimensional array into a matrix. |
Array2PagedMatrix | Array2PagedMatrix - Transform an N-dimensional array into a paged matrix. |
BartlettTest | BartlettTest - Test if k groups of samples have equal variances (homogeneity of variances). |
Bin | Bin - Assign each input value a bin number between 1 and N. |
CircularANOVA | CircularANOVA - One or two-way ANOVA on circular data. |
CircularConfidenceIntervals | CircularConfidenceIntervals - Compute circular mean and confidence intervals. |
CircularDistribution | CircularDistribution - Compute circular distribution and statistics. |
CircularMean | CircularMean - Estimate the circular mean. |
CircularRegression | CircularRegression - Linear-circular regression. |
CircularShift | CircularShift - Shift matrix rows or columns circularly. |
CircularVariance | CircularVariance - Estimate circular variance and standard deviation. |
Clip | Clip - Clip values. |
CompareSlopes | CompareSlopes - Perform linear regression y = ax on two groups and compare slopes. |
Concentration | Concentration - Estimate the concentration parameter for circular data. |
ConcentrationTest | ConcentrationTest - Test homogeneity of concentration parameters. |
ConsolidateIntervals | ConsolidateIntervals - Consolidate intervals. |
Contents | General-purpose data processing and statistical tests for FMAToolbox. |
CountInIntervals | CountInIntervals - Count samples that fall in each of a list of intervals. |
CumSum | CumSum - Cumulative sum of elements. Partial sums can also be computed. |
Detrend | Detrend - Detrend signal. |
Diff | Diff - Differentiate. |
DistanceTransform | DistanceTransform - Compute distance transform of a binary matrix. |
ExcludeIntervals | ExcludeIntervals - Exclude intersecting intervals. |
ExtendArray | ExtendArray - Extend existing array to a given (larger) size. |
Filter | Filter - Filter samples. |
FindInInterval | FindInInterval - Find values that fall in a given interval. |
FisherTest | FisherTest - Test if two groups of samples have equal variances. |
InIntervals | InIntervals - Test which values fall in a list of intervals. |
Insert | Insert - Insert lines in a matrix. |
Interpolate | Interpolate - Interpolate samples (positions, spikes, LFP, etc.) at given timestamps. |
IsExtremum | IsExtremum - Identify local maxima or minima. |
IsFirstAfter | IsFirstAfter - Identify first item after each of a list of timestamps. |
IsLastBefore | IsLastBefore - Identify last item before each of a list of timestamps. |
Match | Match - Replace values in one list with closest values in a second list. |
MatchPairs | MatchPairs - Pair nearest values in two lists. |
MultinomialConfidenceIntervals | MultinomialConfidenceIntervals - Simultaneous multinomial confidence intervals. |
Restrict | Restrict - Keep only samples that fall in a given list of time intervals. |
RunningAverage | RunningAverage - Compute running linear or angular average. |
SineWavePeaks | SineWavePeaks - Find peaks (or troughs) in a sine wave. |
Smooth | Smooth - Smooth using a Gaussian kernel. |
SubtractIntervals | SubtractIntervals - Subtract intervals. |
Threshold | Threshold - Find periods above/below threshold. |
ToIntervals | ToIntervals - Convert logical vector to a list of intervals. |
WatsonU2Test | WatsonU2Test - Test if two samples (circular data) have different means / variances. |
XCorr1 | XCorr1 - Compute cross-correlograms and their modes for pairs of curves. |
ZeroCrossings | ZeroCrossings - Test zero crossings in a given time series. |
ZeroToOne | ZeroToOne - Normalize values in [0,1]. |
mean2str | mean2str - Convert mean or median and SEM (or confidence interval) to string. |
nansem | nansem - Compute standard error of the mean (SEM), ignoring NaNs. |
npcdf | npcdf - Non-parametric cumulative distribution function. |
sem | sem - Compute standard error of the mean (SEM). |
semedian | semedian - Compute standard error of the median. |