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CircularANOVA - One or two-way ANOVA on circular data.


function [p,F] = CircularANOVA(angles,factors,method)


CircularANOVA - One or two-way ANOVA on circular data.

  Circular ANOVA can be performed using one of three methods with different
  assumptions and limitations:

    1) Watson & Williams (1956)
         The data are drawn from von Mises distributions with equal concent-
         ration parameters, the significance levels rely on X² approximations,
         the extension to multi-way analysis is difficult to interpret because
         interaction factors can be negative

    2) Harrison & Kanji (1986)
         The data are drawn from von Mises distributions with equal concent-
         ration parameters, the significance levels rely on X² approximations,
         the test can be extended to multi-way analysis (positive interaction
         factors), the statistics are affected by both location and dispersion

    3) Anderson & Wu (1995)
         No distributional assumptions, the significance levels are determined
         using a bootstrap approach, the test can be extended to multi-way


    [p,F] = CircularANOVA(angles,groups,method)
    [p,F] = CircularANOVA(angles,[factor1 factor2],method)

    angles         angles in radians
    groups         group indices
    factor1        levels for factor 1
    factor2        levels for factor 2
    method         method to compute ANOVA:
                    'ww'     Watson & Williams (1956) (default)
                    'l2'     Harrison & Kanji (1988), L2 distance
                    'lr'     Anderson & Wu (1995), likelyhood ratio


    See also CircularVariance, CircularConfidenceIntervals, Concentration,


    Anderson & Wu (1992) Decomposition of variation in directional data,
    IIQP Report RR-92-10.


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function [p,F] = CircularANOVA(angles,factors,method)
0003 %CircularANOVA - One or two-way ANOVA on circular data.
0004 %
0005 %  Circular ANOVA can be performed using one of three methods with different
0006 %  assumptions and limitations:
0007 %
0008 %    1) Watson & Williams (1956)
0009 %         The data are drawn from von Mises distributions with equal concent-
0010 %         ration parameters, the significance levels rely on X² approximations,
0011 %         the extension to multi-way analysis is difficult to interpret because
0012 %         interaction factors can be negative
0013 %
0014 %    2) Harrison & Kanji (1986)
0015 %         The data are drawn from von Mises distributions with equal concent-
0016 %         ration parameters, the significance levels rely on X² approximations,
0017 %         the test can be extended to multi-way analysis (positive interaction
0018 %         factors), the statistics are affected by both location and dispersion
0019 %
0020 %    3) Anderson & Wu (1995)
0021 %         No distributional assumptions, the significance levels are determined
0022 %         using a bootstrap approach, the test can be extended to multi-way
0023 %         analysis
0024 %
0025 %  USAGE
0026 %
0027 %    [p,F] = CircularANOVA(angles,groups,method)
0028 %    [p,F] = CircularANOVA(angles,[factor1 factor2],method)
0029 %
0030 %    angles         angles in radians
0031 %    groups         group indices
0032 %    factor1        levels for factor 1
0033 %    factor2        levels for factor 2
0034 %    method         method to compute ANOVA:
0035 %                    'ww'     Watson & Williams (1956) (default)
0036 %                    'l2'     Harrison & Kanji (1988), L2 distance
0037 %                    'lr'     Anderson & Wu (1995), likelyhood ratio
0038 %
0039 %  SEE
0040 %
0041 %    See also CircularVariance, CircularConfidenceIntervals, Concentration,
0042 %    ConcentrationTest.
0043 %
0045 %
0046 %    Anderson & Wu (1992) Decomposition of variation in directional data,
0047 %    IIQP Report RR-92-10.
0049 % Copyright (C) 2009-2011 by Michaël Zugaro
0050 %
0051 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0052 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0053 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
0054 % (at your option) any later version.
0056 warning('This function is not fully implemented yet (not all methods are available).');
0058 p = [];
0059 F = [];
0060 if isempty(angles), return; end
0062 nIterations = 500;
0064 % Check parameters
0065 if nargin < 2,
0066     error('Incorrect number of parameters (type ''help <a href="matlab:help CircularANOVA">CircularANOVA</a>'' for details).');
0067 end
0068 if ~isdvector(angles),
0069     error('Incorrect angles (type ''help <a href="matlab:help CircularANOVA">CircularANOVA</a>'' for details).');
0070 end
0071 isradians(angles);
0073 if nargin == 2,
0074     method = 'ww';
0075 else
0076     method = lower(method);
0077     if ~isastring(method,'ww','l2','lr'),
0078         error(['Unknown ''' method ''' method (type ''help <a href="matlab:help CircularANOVA">CircularANOVA</a>'' for details).']);
0079     end
0080 end
0082 A = exp(j*angles);
0083 R = abs(mean(A));
0084 N = length(A);
0085 mu = angle(mean(A));
0087 if isvector(factors),
0088     % One-way ANOVA
0089     groups = factors(:);
0090     groupIDs = unique(groups);
0091     if any(diff(groupIDs)~=1),
0092         error('Incorrect groups numbers (should be 1..N).');
0093     end
0094     switch(method),
0095         case 'ww',
0096             % Watson & Williams (1956)
0097             q = length(groupIDs);
0098             for i = 1:length(groupIDs),
0099             ok = groups == groupIDs(i);
0100                 Ri(i) = abs(mean(A(ok)));
0101                 Ni(i) = sum(ok);
0102                 ki(i) = Concentration(angles(ok));
0103             end
0104             SSw = N - sum(Ni.*Ri); % ignore 2k factor
0105             SSb = sum(Ni.*Ri) - N*R; % ignore 2k factor
0106             F = (N-q)/(q-1)*SSb/SSw;
0107             k = sum(ki.*Ni)/N;
0108             if 2 < k && k < 10,
0109                 % Improve X² approximation for moderate concentration (Stephens, 1969)
0110                 F = F * (1+3/(8*k));
0111             end
0112             p = 1-fcdf(F,q-1,N-q);
0113         otherwise,
0114             error('One-way ANOVA: only the ''ww'' method is implemented.');
0115     end
0116 else
0117     % Two-way ANOVA
0118     factor1 = factors(:,1);
0119     factor2 = factors(:,2);
0120     levels1 = unique(factor1);
0121     if any(diff(levels1)~=1),
0122         error('Incorrect levels for factor 1 (should be 1..N).');
0123     end
0124     levels2 = unique(factor2);
0125     if any(diff(levels2)~=1),
0126         error('Incorrect levels for factor 2 (should be 1..N).');
0127     end
0128     switch(method),
0129         case 'lr',
0130             % Anderson & Wu (1995), location-only
0131             % Check requirements: 2x2 balanced design
0132             if length(levels1)~=2,
0133                 error('Two-way ANOVA: factors can only have 2 levels (2x2 design).');
0134             end
0135             if length(levels2)~=2,
0136                 error('Two-way ANOVA: factors can only have 2 levels (2x2 design).');
0137             end
0138             m = Accumulate([factor1 factor2]);
0139             if any(m~=m(1)),
0140                 error('Two-way ANOVA: all cells must have the same count (balanced design).');
0141             end
0142             m = m(1);
0143             % F values for observations
0144             [Fa,Fb,Fab] = lo(A,m,factor1,factor2);
0145             % F values for surrogate data
0146             for i = 1:nIterations,
0147                 p = randperm(N);
0148                 [sFa(i),sFb(i),sFab(i)] = lo(A(p),m,factor1,factor2);
0149             end
0150             p(1) = 1-npcdf(sFa,Fa);
0151             p(2) = 1-npcdf(sFb,Fb);
0152             p(3) = 1-npcdf(sFab,Fab);
0153             F = [Fa;Fb;Fab];
0154         otherwise,
0155             error('Two-way ANOVA: only the ''lr'' method is implemented.');
0156     end
0157 end
0160 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0161 %  Compute F values for 2-way ANOVA (location only method)
0162 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0164 function [Fa,Fb,Fab] = lo(A,m,factor1,factor2)
0166 % Mean angle
0167 theta = angle(mean(A));
0168 levels1 = unique(factor1);
0169 levels2 = unique(factor2);
0171 % Mean angles for each level of factor 1
0172 for i = 1:length(levels1),
0173     theta_i(i) = angle(mean(A(factor1==i)));
0174 end
0176 % Mean angles for each level of factor 2
0177 for i = 1:length(levels2),
0178     theta_j(i) = angle(mean(A(factor2==i)));
0179 end
0181 % Mean angles for each level of factor 1 and factor 2
0182 for i1 = 1:length(levels1),
0183     for i2 = 1:length(levels2),
0184         theta_ij((i1-1)*length(levels2)+i2) = angle(mean(A(factor1==i1&factor2==i2)));
0185     end
0186 end
0187 t_ij = repmat(theta_ij,1,m);
0188 t_ij = t_ij';
0189 t_ij = t_ij(:);
0191 % Interaction angles
0192 theta_11 = mean(A(factor1==1&factor2==1));
0193 theta_22 = mean(A(factor1==2&factor2==2));
0194 theta_12 = mean(A(factor1==1&factor2==2));
0195 theta_21 = mean(A(factor1==2&factor2==1));
0196 phi_l(1) = angle(mean([theta_11 theta_22]));
0197 phi_l(2) = angle(mean([theta_12 theta_21]));
0199 % Sum of squares
0200 SSa = 4*m*sum(1-cos(theta_i-theta));
0201 SSb = 4*m*sum(1-cos(theta_j-theta));
0202 SSab = 4*m*sum(1-cos(phi_l-theta));
0203 SSr = 2*sum(1-cos(angle(A)-t_ij));
0205 % F values
0206 Fa = SSa/SSr;
0207 Fb = SSb/SSr;
0208 Fab = SSab/SSr;

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