Home > FMAToolbox > General > FindInInterval.m



FindInInterval - Find values that fall in a given interval.


This is a script file.


FindInInterval - Find values that fall in a given interval.

  The equivalent Matlab code is trivial

      i = find(values(:,1)>=interval(1)&values(:,1)<=interval(2));
      indices = [i(1),i(end)];

  but becomes extremely slow when dealing with very large lists.
  This function can dramatically speed up things whenever one needs
  to repeatedly find values in a long list of intervals.


    indices = FindInInterval(values,interval,from)

    values         values to test, sorted in ascending order
    interval       [start,stop] pair
    from           optional initial index (see example below)


    indices        indices of the first and last values that fall
                   in the interval


    This code assumes that the variable 'interval' contains a list
    of non-overlapping intervals sorted in ascending order,
    i.e. interval(i+1,1) >= interval(i,2).

    previous = 1;
    for i = 1:n,
       % Find values within this window
       j = FindInInterval(values,interval(i,:),previous);
       previous = j(1);
       % ... do whatever computations here ...


    See also ConsolidateIntervals, SubtractIntervals, ExcludeIntervals,
    InIntervals, Restrict, CountInIntervals, PlotIntervals.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 %FindInInterval - Find values that fall in a given interval.
0002 %
0003 %  The equivalent Matlab code is trivial
0004 %
0005 %      i = find(values(:,1)>=interval(1)&values(:,1)<=interval(2));
0006 %      indices = [i(1),i(end)];
0007 %
0008 %  but becomes extremely slow when dealing with very large lists.
0009 %  This function can dramatically speed up things whenever one needs
0010 %  to repeatedly find values in a long list of intervals.
0011 %
0012 %  USAGE
0013 %
0014 %    indices = FindInInterval(values,interval,from)
0015 %
0016 %    values         values to test, sorted in ascending order
0017 %    interval       [start,stop] pair
0018 %    from           optional initial index (see example below)
0019 %
0020 %  OUTPUT
0021 %
0022 %    indices        indices of the first and last values that fall
0023 %                   in the interval
0024 %
0025 %  EXAMPLE
0026 %
0027 %    This code assumes that the variable 'interval' contains a list
0028 %    of non-overlapping intervals sorted in ascending order,
0029 %    i.e. interval(i+1,1) >= interval(i,2).
0030 %
0031 %    previous = 1;
0032 %    for i = 1:n,
0033 %       % Find values within this window
0034 %       j = FindInInterval(values,interval(i,:),previous);
0035 %       previous = j(1);
0036 %       % ... do whatever computations here ...
0037 %    end
0038 %
0039 %  SEE
0040 %
0041 %    See also ConsolidateIntervals, SubtractIntervals, ExcludeIntervals,
0042 %    InIntervals, Restrict, CountInIntervals, PlotIntervals.
0044 % Copyright (C) 2004-2015 by Michaƫl Zugaro
0045 %
0046 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0047 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0048 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
0049 % (at your option) any later version.

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