Specialized plotting functions for FMAToolbox. Interactive commands Browse - Interactively browse the data in one or all subplots in a figure. UIAddLine - Interactively add horizontal/vertical line to existing plot. UIInPolygon - Find points in interactively defined polygon zone. UISelect - Interactively select polygon zone in an existing plot. Figure visibility (for batch processing) Hide - Hide (or show) existing or future figures, e.g. to speed up batch processing. sca - Set current axes, without making the figure visible. scf - Set current figure, without making it visible. General plotting functions PlotSamples - Plot samples (multiple time series). PlotXY - Plot one column vs another in a matrix. MultiPlotXY - Plot two columns of each input matrix against each other. PlotMean - Plot mean and confidence intervals. PlotIntervals - Plot vertical bars to show interval limits. PlotHVLines - Plot vertical (resp. horizontal) lines at listed x (resp. y). PlotTicks - Plot ticks. PlotSlope - Plot line with given slope. PlotRepeat - Plot repeated (tiled) copies of the data. PlotCircularDistribution - Plot phase distribution and statistics. Specialized plotting functions PlotCCG - Plot auto/cross-correlograms of point processes. PlotColorCurves - Plot a series of curves as an aggregated color map. PlotColorMap - Plot a color map. PlotCSD - Plot current source density. PlotDistribution2 - For two random variables X and Y, plot distributions and Y vs X. PlotLinkage - Plot network clustering obtained e.g. by FCA analysis. PlotPhasePrecession - Plot phase precession plots and maps. PlotRippleStats - Plot ripple descriptive stats. PlotShortTimeCCG - Plot time-varying auto/cross-correlograms of point processes. PlotSpikeWaveforms - Plot spike waveforms. PlotSync - Plot successive occurrences of a multidimensional variable. Simple helper functions AdjustAxes - Adjust axes limits for all subplots AdjustColorMap - Adjust colormap for current figure, i.e. change gamma. Bright - Bright colormap (similar to HSV or JET, but brighter). Monochrome - Monochrome colormap (from white to a given color). clim - Get or set color scaling limits for current axes. hsl2hsv - Convert hue-saturation-luminance colors to hue-saturation-value. hsv2hsl - Convert hue-saturation-value colors to hue-saturation-luminance. Figure elements (insets, subplots, titles...) Insets - Create insets in current axes. PiecewiseLinearAxis - Label axis using piecewise linear values. SideAxes - Add side axes to existing axes. SquareSubplot - Layout subplots in a square arrangement. Subpanel - Add an (invisible) panel container to a figure. SplitTitle - Split figure title over multiple lines Tables TableFigure - Create table figure. HTML - Create HTML formatted string.