Home > FMAToolbox > Helpers > issamples.m



issamples - Test if parameter is a list of samples satisfying an optional list of tests.


function test = issamples(x,varargin)


issamples - Test if parameter is a list of samples satisfying an optional list of tests.

  A list of <a href="matlab: help Samples">samples</a> is a vector or matrix of doubles containing at least one column
  for (sorted) timestamps, and optionally more for continuous variables.


    test = issamples(x,test1,test2,...)

    x              parameter to test
    test1...       optional list of additional tests (see examples below)


    % Test if x is a list of samples

    % Special test: test if x is a point process (i.e. 1 column)

    % Special test: test if x contains 3 variables (i.e. 4 columns)


    See also isdmatrix, isdvector, isdscalar, isimatrix, isivector, isiscalar,
    isastring, islscalar, islvector, islmatrix.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 %issamples - Test if parameter is a list of samples satisfying an optional list of tests.
0002 %
0003 %  A list of <a href="matlab: help Samples">samples</a> is a vector or matrix of doubles containing at least one column
0004 %  for (sorted) timestamps, and optionally more for continuous variables.
0005 %
0006 %  USAGE
0007 %
0008 %    test = issamples(x,test1,test2,...)
0009 %
0010 %    x              parameter to test
0011 %    test1...       optional list of additional tests (see examples below)
0012 %
0013 %  EXAMPLES
0014 %
0015 %    % Test if x is a list of samples
0016 %    issamples(x)
0017 %
0018 %    % Special test: test if x is a point process (i.e. 1 column)
0019 %    issamples(x,'#0')
0020 %
0021 %    % Special test: test if x contains 3 variables (i.e. 4 columns)
0022 %    issamples(x,'#3')
0023 %
0024 %  SEE ALSO
0025 %
0026 %    See also isdmatrix, isdvector, isdscalar, isimatrix, isivector, isiscalar,
0027 %    isastring, islscalar, islvector, islmatrix.
0028 %
0030 % Copyright (C) 2010-2012 by Michaƫl Zugaro
0031 %
0032 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0033 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0034 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
0035 % (at your option) any later version.
0037 function test = issamples(x,varargin)
0039 % Check number of parameters
0040 if nargin < 1,
0041   error('Incorrect number of parameters (type ''help <a href="matlab:help issamples">issamples</a>'' for details).');
0042 end
0044 % Test: double, vector or matrix
0045 test = isdvector(x) | isdmatrix(x);
0046 test = test & isdvector(x(:,1),'<');
0048 % Optional tests
0049 for i = 1:length(varargin),
0050     try
0051         if varargin{i}(1) == '#',
0052             if size(x,2)-1 ~= str2num(varargin{i}(2:end)), test = false; return; end
0053         end
0054     catch err
0055         error(['Incorrect test ''' varargin{i} ''' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help issamples">issamples</a>'' for details).']);
0056     end
0057 end

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