Helper functions for FMAToolbox. Parameter testing. isastring - Test if parameter is an (admissible) character string. isdscalar - Test if parameter is a scalar (double) satisfying an optional list of tests. isdvector - Test if parameter is a vector of doubles satisfying an optional list of tests. isdmatrix - Test if parameter is a matrix of doubles (>= 2 columns). issamples - Test if parameter is a list of samples satisfying an optional list of tests. isiscalar - Test if parameter is a scalar (integer) satisfying an optional list of tests. isivector - Test if parameter is a vector of integers satisfying an optional list of tests. isimatrix - Test if parameter is a matrix of integers (>= 2 columns). islscalar - Test if parameter is a (pseudo) logical scalar. islvector - Test if parameter is a (pseudo) logical vector satisfying an optional list of tests. islmatrix - Test if parameter is a (pseudo) logical matrix (>= 2 columns). isradians - Test if parameter is in range [0,2pi] or [-pi,pi]. clinspace - Linearly spaced vector of circular values (angles). glinspace - Gamma-corrected linearly spaced vector. int2zstr - Convert integer to zero-padded string. wrap - Set radian angles in range [0,2pi] or [-pi,pi]. minmax - Return min and max values for any number of arrays. mM - Show min and max values for any number of variables. sz - Show sizes for any number of variables.