Home > FMAToolbox > FMAToolbox.m



Freely Moving Animal (FMA) Toolbox


This is a script file.


 Freely Moving Animal (FMA) Toolbox


    The purpose of the Freely Moving Animal (FMA) Toolbox is to help analyze
    electrophysiological and behavioral data recorded from freely moving animals.

    These data typically include broadband brain signals (e.g. local field potentials),
    spike data (timestamps as well as full waveforms), moment-to-moment position of
    the animal, and behavioral events (stimulus presentation, photodetector crossing,
    brain stimulation, etc.)

    <a href="http://fmatoolbox.sourceforge.net/">FMAToolbox</a> is part of a larger data analysis framework, including <a href="http://neurosuite.sourceforge.net/">Klusters</a> (a powerful
    and easy-to-use cluster cutting application), <a href="http://neurosuite.sourceforge.net/">NeuroScope</a> (an advanced viewer for
    electrophysiological and behavioral data), and <a href="http://neurosuite.sourceforge.net/">NDManager</a> (a simple application to
    manage recording parameters and data preprocessing).


    The easiest way to install FMAToolbox is using the <a href="matlab:run pathtool">pathtool</a>. Click 'Add with subfolders...'
    and select the 'FMAToolbox' directory.

    For efficiency reasons, the toolbox includes a few functions in C/C++. These can be
    easily compiled for your platform. In the command window, type:

      >> compilefma;

    or simply click <a href="matlab:run compilefma">here</a>.

    Some functions in the toolbox depend on other Matlab toolboxes:

      * <a href="http://www.artefact.tk/software/matlab/xml/">xmltree</a> to read XML parameter files
      * <a href="http://www.chronux.org">chronux</a> to perform time-frequency analyses
      * <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/mym/">mYm</a> to provide database functionality
      * <a href="http://sites.google.com/site/oliverwoodford/software/export_fig">export_fig</a> (optional) to export figures as PNG, EPS, PDF, etc.


    This toolbox was developed by <a href="http://zugarolab.net">Michaël Zugaro</a> (CRNS-Collège de France, Paris,
    France). It is free software distributed under the <a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html">General Public License (GPL)</a>.


    The toolbox is organized in distinct functional categories:

      Data       - Experimental data handling
      General    - General-purpose data processing and statistical tests.
      Analyses   - Specialized analyses (PSTH, place maps, tuning curves...)
      Plot       - Enhanced and specialized plotting functions.
      Database   - Database access and storage
      IO         - Input/output helper functions, including batch handling


    Functions provided in the <a href="matlab:help Data">Data</a> category can be used to read experimental data files.
    The file format is the same as in other programs such as <a href="http://neurosuite.sourceforge.net">Klusters</a>, <a href="http://neurosuite.sourceforge.net">NeuroScope</a> and
    <a href="http://neurosuite.sourceforge.net">NDManager</a> (see e.g. <a href="matlab:help http://neuroscope.sourceforge.net/UserManual/data-files.html">http://neuroscope.sourceforge.net/UserManual/data-files.html</a>).
    However, the rest of the toolbox is independent from these file formats, so you
    are free to use any format you like (of course, you would then have to add your own
    code to read your files).

    Upon loading, the data are stored in simple matrices where the first column contains
    timestamps and the remaining columns contain the corresponding values. For instance,
    moment-to-moment positions of the animal are stored as

              0        100.625         74.375
         0.0256         99.375             75
         0.0512         99.375             75
         0.0768        100.625             75
         0.1024        100.625             75
            ...            ...            ...

    where the first column is time (in seconds), the second is the X coordinate of the
    animal, and the third is its Y coordinate. Positions stored in such a matrix are
    referred to as position <a href="matlab:help samples">'samples'</a>.

    Many functions in FMAToolbox provide basic processing of samples, such as time
    selection, interpolation or smoothing. These are grouped in the <a href="matlab:help General">General</a> category,
    together with statistical measures and tests, interval handling, binning, etc.

    More specialized analysis functions are grouped in the <a href="matlab:help Analyses">Analyses</a> category, including
    peri-event time histograms (PETH), place maps, tuning curves, spectrograms, current
    source density, ripple detection, etc.

    Results can be plotted using enhanced or specialized functions provided in the <a href="matlab:help Plot">Plot</a>
    category, and stored in a local or network database using functions in the <a href="matlab:help Database">Database</a>

    Last, the <a href="matlab:help IO">IO</a> category contains low-level disk access functions (which should normally
    not be used directly), as well as batch-processing handling functions.


    A typical data analysis session would start by loading the experimental data:

      >> SetCurrentSession

    A dialog pops up, where you can navigate your disk to choose the recording session to
    analyze. Files are then loaded and kept in memory. You can now access the data very
    easily. For instance, if you need the position samples, do:

      >> p = GetPositions;

    To plot the firing map of the place cell corresponding to cluster 5 on tetrode 3:

      >> s = GetSpikes([3 5]);
      >> map = FiringMap(p,s);
      >> figure;
      >> PlotColorMap(map.rate,map.time); % time is used to dimm the colors

    To plot theta phase precession information (phase as a function of position, phase
    distribution as a function of position, and phase as a function of firing rate) for
    the same neuron:

      >> lfp = GetLFP(20); % theta is measured on channel 20
      >> theta = FilterLFP(lfp,'passband','theta');
      >> phi = Phase(theta);
      >> precession = PhasePrecession(p,s,phi);
      >> figure;
      >> PlotPhasePrecession(precession);

    Now let us plot a spike raster synchronized on stimulation events:

      >> stims = GetEvents('stimulation');
      >> [sync,i] = Sync(s,stims);
      >> figure;
      >> PlotSync(sync,i);

    and the corresponding PSTH and time-varying spike distribution:

      >> [h,t] = SyncHist(sync,i);
      >> figure;
      >> bar(t,h); % PSTH
      >> [h,t,n] = SyncHist(sync,i,'mode','dist');
      >> figure;
      >> PlotColorMap(h,1,'x',t,'y',n); % distribution

    For more information, read the help topics listed above (CONTENTS).


    You may wish to add the following line to your <a href="matlab:edit startup.m">startup</a> file:


    This will automatically activate <a href="matlab:help Browse">browsing features</a> in every figure.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 % Freely Moving Animal (FMA) Toolbox
0002 %
0004 %
0005 %    The purpose of the Freely Moving Animal (FMA) Toolbox is to help analyze
0006 %    electrophysiological and behavioral data recorded from freely moving animals.
0007 %
0008 %    These data typically include broadband brain signals (e.g. local field potentials),
0009 %    spike data (timestamps as well as full waveforms), moment-to-moment position of
0010 %    the animal, and behavioral events (stimulus presentation, photodetector crossing,
0011 %    brain stimulation, etc.)
0012 %
0013 %    <a href="http://fmatoolbox.sourceforge.net/">FMAToolbox</a> is part of a larger data analysis framework, including <a href="http://neurosuite.sourceforge.net/">Klusters</a> (a powerful
0014 %    and easy-to-use cluster cutting application), <a href="http://neurosuite.sourceforge.net/">NeuroScope</a> (an advanced viewer for
0015 %    electrophysiological and behavioral data), and <a href="http://neurosuite.sourceforge.net/">NDManager</a> (a simple application to
0016 %    manage recording parameters and data preprocessing).
0017 %
0019 %
0020 %    The easiest way to install FMAToolbox is using the <a href="matlab:run pathtool">pathtool</a>. Click 'Add with subfolders...'
0021 %    and select the 'FMAToolbox' directory.
0022 %
0023 %    For efficiency reasons, the toolbox includes a few functions in C/C++. These can be
0024 %    easily compiled for your platform. In the command window, type:
0025 %
0026 %      >> compilefma;
0027 %
0028 %    or simply click <a href="matlab:run compilefma">here</a>.
0029 %
0030 %    Some functions in the toolbox depend on other Matlab toolboxes:
0031 %
0032 %      * <a href="http://www.artefact.tk/software/matlab/xml/">xmltree</a> to read XML parameter files
0033 %      * <a href="http://www.chronux.org">chronux</a> to perform time-frequency analyses
0034 %      * <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/mym/">mYm</a> to provide database functionality
0035 %      * <a href="http://sites.google.com/site/oliverwoodford/software/export_fig">export_fig</a> (optional) to export figures as PNG, EPS, PDF, etc.
0036 %
0037 %  LICENSE
0038 %
0039 %    This toolbox was developed by <a href="http://zugarolab.net">Michaël Zugaro</a> (CRNS-Collège de France, Paris,
0040 %    France). It is free software distributed under the <a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html">General Public License (GPL)</a>.
0041 %
0042 %  CONTENTS
0043 %
0044 %    The toolbox is organized in distinct functional categories:
0045 %
0046 %      Data       - Experimental data handling
0047 %      General    - General-purpose data processing and statistical tests.
0048 %      Analyses   - Specialized analyses (PSTH, place maps, tuning curves...)
0049 %      Plot       - Enhanced and specialized plotting functions.
0050 %      Database   - Database access and storage
0051 %      IO         - Input/output helper functions, including batch handling
0052 %
0053 %  OVERVIEW
0054 %
0055 %    Functions provided in the <a href="matlab:help Data">Data</a> category can be used to read experimental data files.
0056 %    The file format is the same as in other programs such as <a href="http://neurosuite.sourceforge.net">Klusters</a>, <a href="http://neurosuite.sourceforge.net">NeuroScope</a> and
0057 %    <a href="http://neurosuite.sourceforge.net">NDManager</a> (see e.g. <a href="matlab:help http://neuroscope.sourceforge.net/UserManual/data-files.html">http://neuroscope.sourceforge.net/UserManual/data-files.html</a>).
0058 %    However, the rest of the toolbox is independent from these file formats, so you
0059 %    are free to use any format you like (of course, you would then have to add your own
0060 %    code to read your files).
0061 %
0062 %    Upon loading, the data are stored in simple matrices where the first column contains
0063 %    timestamps and the remaining columns contain the corresponding values. For instance,
0064 %    moment-to-moment positions of the animal are stored as
0065 %
0066 %              0        100.625         74.375
0067 %         0.0256         99.375             75
0068 %         0.0512         99.375             75
0069 %         0.0768        100.625             75
0070 %         0.1024        100.625             75
0071 %            ...            ...            ...
0072 %
0073 %    where the first column is time (in seconds), the second is the X coordinate of the
0074 %    animal, and the third is its Y coordinate. Positions stored in such a matrix are
0075 %    referred to as position <a href="matlab:help samples">'samples'</a>.
0076 %
0077 %    Many functions in FMAToolbox provide basic processing of samples, such as time
0078 %    selection, interpolation or smoothing. These are grouped in the <a href="matlab:help General">General</a> category,
0079 %    together with statistical measures and tests, interval handling, binning, etc.
0080 %
0081 %    More specialized analysis functions are grouped in the <a href="matlab:help Analyses">Analyses</a> category, including
0082 %    peri-event time histograms (PETH), place maps, tuning curves, spectrograms, current
0083 %    source density, ripple detection, etc.
0084 %
0085 %    Results can be plotted using enhanced or specialized functions provided in the <a href="matlab:help Plot">Plot</a>
0086 %    category, and stored in a local or network database using functions in the <a href="matlab:help Database">Database</a>
0087 %    category.
0088 %
0089 %    Last, the <a href="matlab:help IO">IO</a> category contains low-level disk access functions (which should normally
0090 %    not be used directly), as well as batch-processing handling functions.
0091 %
0093 %
0094 %    A typical data analysis session would start by loading the experimental data:
0095 %
0096 %      >> SetCurrentSession
0097 %
0098 %    A dialog pops up, where you can navigate your disk to choose the recording session to
0099 %    analyze. Files are then loaded and kept in memory. You can now access the data very
0100 %    easily. For instance, if you need the position samples, do:
0101 %
0102 %      >> p = GetPositions;
0103 %
0104 %    To plot the firing map of the place cell corresponding to cluster 5 on tetrode 3:
0105 %
0106 %      >> s = GetSpikes([3 5]);
0107 %      >> map = FiringMap(p,s);
0108 %      >> figure;
0109 %      >> PlotColorMap(map.rate,map.time); % time is used to dimm the colors
0110 %
0111 %    To plot theta phase precession information (phase as a function of position, phase
0112 %    distribution as a function of position, and phase as a function of firing rate) for
0113 %    the same neuron:
0114 %
0115 %      >> lfp = GetLFP(20); % theta is measured on channel 20
0116 %      >> theta = FilterLFP(lfp,'passband','theta');
0117 %      >> phi = Phase(theta);
0118 %      >> precession = PhasePrecession(p,s,phi);
0119 %      >> figure;
0120 %      >> PlotPhasePrecession(precession);
0121 %
0122 %    Now let us plot a spike raster synchronized on stimulation events:
0123 %
0124 %      >> stims = GetEvents('stimulation');
0125 %      >> [sync,i] = Sync(s,stims);
0126 %      >> figure;
0127 %      >> PlotSync(sync,i);
0128 %
0129 %    and the corresponding PSTH and time-varying spike distribution:
0130 %
0131 %      >> [h,t] = SyncHist(sync,i);
0132 %      >> figure;
0133 %      >> bar(t,h); % PSTH
0134 %      >> [h,t,n] = SyncHist(sync,i,'mode','dist');
0135 %      >> figure;
0136 %      >> PlotColorMap(h,1,'x',t,'y',n); % distribution
0137 %
0138 %    For more information, read the help topics listed above (CONTENTS).
0139 %
0140 %  NOTE
0141 %
0142 %    You may wish to add the following line to your <a href="matlab:edit startup.m">startup</a> file:
0143 %
0144 %      Browse('on');
0145 %
0146 %    This will automatically activate <a href="matlab:help Browse">browsing features</a> in every figure.
0148 help FMAToolbox;

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