Home > FMAToolbox > Database > StartBatch.m



StartBatch - Start a new batch job.


function batch = StartBatch(mfile,bfile,varargin)


StartBatch - Start a new batch job.

 Batch processing is useful if you need to repeatedly perform a given analysis
 on different data sets. Using batch processing is easier and more reliable
 than writing a simple 'for' loop:

  * You must only supply the code to run the analysis on one data set,
    and a text file listing the data sets, including specific parameters

  * Running the batch on a subset of the data is as easy as commenting
    out the appropriate lines in this file

  * Batch processing will not be interrupted when the analysis of one
    particular data set generates an error

  * Errors can be logged to disk

  * Processing can be delayed to a later time (e.g. during the night)

 Results can either be kept in memory using the batch output variable, or
 stored in a central database. The latter is the recommended solution, as it
 is far more powerful and reliable. See EXAMPLES below.

 During batch processing, figures are typically hidden so they do not keep
 popping up as the user is performing other tasks as the batch is running in
 the background (although this is configurable). In order to keep figures
 hidden, batch functions should not use figure(h) or axes(a) which make the
 figure visible. Two helper functions, <a href="matlab:help scf">scf</a> and <a href="matlab:help sca">sca</a>, can be used instead
 to set the current figure or axes without making the figure visible.


    batch = StartBatch(mfile,bfile,<options>)

    mfile          batch function (M-file name or function handle)
    bfile          batch file listing the parameters for each iteration
    <options>      optional list of property-value pairs (see table below)

     Properties    Values
     'delay'       delay (in minutes) before execution starts
     'hide'        by default, new figures are hidden to speed up batch
                   processing (use 'off' to cancel this behavior)
     'log'         progress/error log file (default = none) (see NOTE below)


    Log file names can include wildcards to indicate current date and time:

      %y    year
      %m    month
      %d    day
      %t    time


    This is the simpler solution, but it is not as reliable (e.g. the results
    can be lost if Matlab crashes) and powerful (e.g. the results cannot be
    shared between users) as using a database. See EXAMPLE 2 below.

    Suppose you wish to count the number of 'ripples' in a set of sleep
    sessions recorded from different rats. You could create the file
    'batch.txt', where you would list the session files to process, as
    well as the LFP channel to use in each case to detect ripples:

        Rat-01-20100915-01-sleep     5
        Rat-01-20100920-01-sleep     5
        Rat-02-20101001-01-sleep     3
        Rat-01-20101005-04-rest      1

    The function used to process the data would look like:

        function n = CountRipples(session,channel)

        lfp = GetLFP(channel);
        fil = FilterLFP(lfp,'bandpass','ripples');
        ripples = FindRipples(fil);
        n = size(ripples,1);

    To start processing the data in one hour, you would then call:

        b = StartBatch(@CountRipples,'batch.txt','delay',60);

    To get the results:

        n = GetBatch(b);

    To log progress and errors:

        b = StartBatch(@CountRipples,'batch.txt','log','Errors-%y%m%d.log');


    For technical reasons, the batch function must have a fixed number of output
    parameters, e.g. it cannot have 'varargout' as one of its output parameters.
    It is possible to circumvent this limitation if you know in advance the number
    of output parameters that the batch function would actually return in your
    particular case. Assuming this function is called 'VariableProcess', takes two
    inputs and will always return three outputs for your data, you could define:

        function [x,y,z] = FixedProcess(u,v)

        [x,y,z] = VariableProcess(u,v);

    and then use this as the batch function.


    Let us rewrite the previous example using a central database. First, we need
    to create the database:

        % This assumes your login/password are stored
        % in a configuration file in your home directory

    The function used to process the data would now look like:

        function CountRipples(session,channel)

        lfp = GetLFP(channel);
        fil = FilterLFP(lfp,'bandpass','ripples');
        ripples = FindRipples(fil);
        n = size(ripples,1);
        eid = [session '-' num2str(channel)];
        DBAddVariable(n,eid,'Ripple Count','','',{'CountRipples'});

    This would store the number of ripples for each session, as well as useful
    information such as who stored these data, when, using which function (the
    actual code, not just the function name, is stored in the database).

    To get the results:

        n = DBGetValues;


    See also Database, GetBatch, BatchInfo, CancelBatch, CleanBatches, Store,
    Recall, Hide, sca, scf.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function batch = StartBatch(mfile,bfile,varargin)
0003 %StartBatch - Start a new batch job.
0004 %
0005 % Batch processing is useful if you need to repeatedly perform a given analysis
0006 % on different data sets. Using batch processing is easier and more reliable
0007 % than writing a simple 'for' loop:
0008 %
0009 %  * You must only supply the code to run the analysis on one data set,
0010 %    and a text file listing the data sets, including specific parameters
0011 %
0012 %  * Running the batch on a subset of the data is as easy as commenting
0013 %    out the appropriate lines in this file
0014 %
0015 %  * Batch processing will not be interrupted when the analysis of one
0016 %    particular data set generates an error
0017 %
0018 %  * Errors can be logged to disk
0019 %
0020 %  * Processing can be delayed to a later time (e.g. during the night)
0021 %
0022 % Results can either be kept in memory using the batch output variable, or
0023 % stored in a central database. The latter is the recommended solution, as it
0024 % is far more powerful and reliable. See EXAMPLES below.
0025 %
0026 % During batch processing, figures are typically hidden so they do not keep
0027 % popping up as the user is performing other tasks as the batch is running in
0028 % the background (although this is configurable). In order to keep figures
0029 % hidden, batch functions should not use figure(h) or axes(a) which make the
0030 % figure visible. Two helper functions, <a href="matlab:help scf">scf</a> and <a href="matlab:help sca">sca</a>, can be used instead
0031 % to set the current figure or axes without making the figure visible.
0032 %
0033 %  USAGE
0034 %
0035 %    batch = StartBatch(mfile,bfile,<options>)
0036 %
0037 %    mfile          batch function (M-file name or function handle)
0038 %    bfile          batch file listing the parameters for each iteration
0039 %    <options>      optional list of property-value pairs (see table below)
0040 %
0041 %    =========================================================================
0042 %     Properties    Values
0043 %    -------------------------------------------------------------------------
0044 %     'delay'       delay (in minutes) before execution starts
0045 %     'hide'        by default, new figures are hidden to speed up batch
0046 %                   processing (use 'off' to cancel this behavior)
0047 %     'log'         progress/error log file (default = none) (see NOTE below)
0048 %    =========================================================================
0049 %
0050 %  NOTE
0051 %
0052 %    Log file names can include wildcards to indicate current date and time:
0053 %
0054 %      %y    year
0055 %      %m    month
0056 %      %d    day
0057 %      %t    time
0058 %
0060 %
0061 %    This is the simpler solution, but it is not as reliable (e.g. the results
0062 %    can be lost if Matlab crashes) and powerful (e.g. the results cannot be
0063 %    shared between users) as using a database. See EXAMPLE 2 below.
0064 %
0065 %    Suppose you wish to count the number of 'ripples' in a set of sleep
0066 %    sessions recorded from different rats. You could create the file
0067 %    'batch.txt', where you would list the session files to process, as
0068 %    well as the LFP channel to use in each case to detect ripples:
0069 %
0070 %        Rat-01-20100915-01-sleep     5
0071 %        Rat-01-20100920-01-sleep     5
0072 %        Rat-02-20101001-01-sleep     3
0073 %        Rat-01-20101005-04-rest      1
0074 %        ...
0075 %
0076 %    The function used to process the data would look like:
0077 %
0078 %        function n = CountRipples(session,channel)
0079 %
0080 %        SetCurrentSession(session);
0081 %        lfp = GetLFP(channel);
0082 %        fil = FilterLFP(lfp,'bandpass','ripples');
0083 %        ripples = FindRipples(fil);
0084 %        n = size(ripples,1);
0085 %
0086 %    To start processing the data in one hour, you would then call:
0087 %
0088 %        b = StartBatch(@CountRipples,'batch.txt','delay',60);
0089 %
0090 %    To get the results:
0091 %
0092 %        n = GetBatch(b);
0093 %
0094 %    To log progress and errors:
0095 %
0096 %        b = StartBatch(@CountRipples,'batch.txt','log','Errors-%y%m%d.log');
0097 %
0099 %
0100 %    For technical reasons, the batch function must have a fixed number of output
0101 %    parameters, e.g. it cannot have 'varargout' as one of its output parameters.
0102 %    It is possible to circumvent this limitation if you know in advance the number
0103 %    of output parameters that the batch function would actually return in your
0104 %    particular case. Assuming this function is called 'VariableProcess', takes two
0105 %    inputs and will always return three outputs for your data, you could define:
0106 %
0107 %        function [x,y,z] = FixedProcess(u,v)
0108 %
0109 %        [x,y,z] = VariableProcess(u,v);
0110 %
0111 %    and then use this as the batch function.
0112 %
0114 %
0115 %    Let us rewrite the previous example using a central database. First, we need
0116 %    to create the database:
0117 %
0118 %        % This assumes your login/password are stored
0119 %        % in a configuration file in your home directory
0120 %        DBConnect;
0121 %        DBCreate('Ripples_%y%m%d');
0122 %
0123 %    The function used to process the data would now look like:
0124 %
0125 %        function CountRipples(session,channel)
0126 %
0127 %        SetCurrentSession(session);
0128 %        lfp = GetLFP(channel);
0129 %        fil = FilterLFP(lfp,'bandpass','ripples');
0130 %        ripples = FindRipples(fil);
0131 %        n = size(ripples,1);
0132 %        eid = [session '-' num2str(channel)];
0133 %        DBAddVariable(n,eid,'Ripple Count','','',{'CountRipples'});
0134 %
0135 %    This would store the number of ripples for each session, as well as useful
0136 %    information such as who stored these data, when, using which function (the
0137 %    actual code, not just the function name, is stored in the database).
0138 %
0139 %    To get the results:
0140 %
0141 %        n = DBGetValues;
0142 %
0143 %  SEE
0144 %
0145 %    See also Database, GetBatch, BatchInfo, CancelBatch, CleanBatches, Store,
0146 %    Recall, Hide, sca, scf.
0147 %
0149 % Copyright (C) 2007-2013 by Michaƫl Zugaro
0150 %
0151 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0152 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0153 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
0154 % (at your option) any later version.
0156 % Default values
0157 delay = 0;
0158 hide = 'on';
0159 log = '';
0161 % Check number of parameters
0162 if nargin < 2,
0163     error('Incorrect number of parameters (type ''help <a href="matlab:help StartBatch">StartBatch</a>'' for details).');
0164 end
0166 % Parse parameter list
0167 for i = 1:2:length(varargin),
0168   if ~ischar(varargin{i}),
0169     error(['Parameter ' num2str(i+1) ' is not a property (type ''help <a href="matlab:help StartBatch">StartBatch</a>'' for details).']);
0170   end
0171   switch(lower(varargin{i})),
0172     case 'delay',
0173       delay = varargin{i+1};
0174       if ~isiscalar(delay,'>0'),
0175         error('Incorrect value for property ''delay'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help StartBatch">StartBatch</a>'' for details).');
0176       end
0177     case 'hide',
0178       hide = lower(varargin{i+1});
0179       if ~isastring(hide,'on','off'),
0180         error('Incorrect value for property ''hide'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help StartBatch">StartBatch</a>'' for details).');
0181       end
0182     case 'log',
0183       log = varargin{i+1};
0184       if ~isastring(log),
0185         error('Incorrect value for property ''log'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help StartBatch">StartBatch</a>'' for details).');
0186       end
0187     otherwise,
0188       error(['Unknown property ''' num2str(varargin{i}) ''' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help StartBatch">StartBatch</a>'' for details).']);
0189   end
0190 end
0192 % Compatibility with previous versions: reverse parameter order if necessary
0193 if isa(bfile,'function_handle') || (isastring(mfile) && isempty(which(mfile))),
0194     tmp = bfile;
0195     bfile = mfile;
0196     mfile = tmp;
0197 end
0199 % Batch function name
0200 if isa(mfile,'function_handle'),
0201     mfileName = func2str(mfile);
0202 else
0203     mfileName = mfile;
0204 end
0206 % Check batch file and function are valid
0207 if ~isastring(bfile) || ~exist(bfile,'file'),
0208     error('Batch file not found (type ''help <a href="matlab:help StartBatch">StartBatch</a>'' for details).');
0209 end
0210 if isempty(which(mfileName)),
0211     error('Batch function not found (type ''help <a href="matlab:help StartBatch">StartBatch</a>'' for details).');
0212 end
0214 % Make sure M-file has a defined number of output parameters
0215 if nargout(mfile) == -1,
0216     error(['''' mfileName ''' has a variable number of output arguments (type ''help <a href="matlab:help StartBatch">StartBatch</a>'' for details). ']);
0217 end
0219 % Open batch file
0220 f = fopen(bfile,'r');
0221 if f == -1, error(['Could not open file ''' bfile '''.']); end
0223 % Parse batch file
0224 b = ParseBatch(bfile);
0226 % Open log file
0227 b.log = -1;
0228 if ~isempty(log),
0229     % Insert date
0230     log = InsertDate(log);
0231     b.log = fopen(log,'w');
0232     if b.log == -1, error(['Could not open log file ''' log '''.']); end
0233 end
0235 % Set batch function
0236 [~,mfile] = fileparts(mfileName);
0237 b.mfile = mfile;
0239 b.hide = strcmp(hide,'on');
0240 if b.hide,
0241     warning('Figures will be hidden (type ''help <a href="matlab:help Hide">Hide</a>'' for details).');
0242 end
0244 % Start timer
0245 batch = timer('TimerFcn',{@RunBatch,b},'StartDelay',delay*60,'Tag','BatchJob');
0246 start(batch);

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