Home > FMAToolbox > Database > DBExportGallery.m



DBExportGallery - Create figure gallery from current database.


function DBExportGallery(name,query,varargin)


DBExportGallery - Create figure gallery from current database.

 Select figures and create an HTML gallery (although not required, installing
 <a href="http://sites.google.com/site/oliverwoodford/software/export_fig">export_fig</a> will yield better PNG images).



    name           gallery name
    query          optional figure list query (WHERE clause; see Example)
    <options>      optional list of property-value pairs (see table below)

     Properties    Values
     'size'        horizontal and vertical thumbnail size
                   (default = [240 240])
     'nColumns'    number of columns (default = 3)
     'info'        display detailed info with thumbnails (default = 'off')
     'code'        create generation code pages (default = 'off')


    % Export entire gallery with extensive information
    DBExportGallery('Complete Gallery','info','on');

    % Export only figures for the session named 'SESSION1'
    DBExportGallery('Partial Gallery','eid="SESSION1"');

    % Export figures for all sessions with names starting with 'SLEEP'
    DBExportGallery('Sleep Gallery','eid like "SLEEP%"');


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function DBExportGallery(name,query,varargin)
0003 %DBExportGallery - Create figure gallery from current database.
0004 %
0005 % Select figures and create an HTML gallery (although not required, installing
0006 % <a href="http://sites.google.com/site/oliverwoodford/software/export_fig">export_fig</a> will yield better PNG images).
0007 %
0008 %  USAGE
0009 %
0010 %    DBExportGallery(name,query,<options>)
0011 %
0012 %    name           gallery name
0013 %    query          optional figure list query (WHERE clause; see Example)
0014 %    <options>      optional list of property-value pairs (see table below)
0015 %
0016 %    =========================================================================
0017 %     Properties    Values
0018 %    -------------------------------------------------------------------------
0019 %     'size'        horizontal and vertical thumbnail size
0020 %                   (default = [240 240])
0021 %     'nColumns'    number of columns (default = 3)
0022 %     'info'        display detailed info with thumbnails (default = 'off')
0023 %     'code'        create generation code pages (default = 'off')
0024 %    =========================================================================
0025 %
0026 %  EXAMPLES
0027 %
0028 %    % Export entire gallery with extensive information
0029 %    DBExportGallery('Complete Gallery','info','on');
0030 %
0031 %    % Export only figures for the session named 'SESSION1'
0032 %    DBExportGallery('Partial Gallery','eid="SESSION1"');
0033 %
0034 %    % Export figures for all sessions with names starting with 'SLEEP'
0035 %    DBExportGallery('Sleep Gallery','eid like "SLEEP%"');
0037 % Copyright (C) 2007-2013 by Michaƫl Zugaro
0038 %
0039 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0040 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0041 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
0042 % (at your option) any later version.
0044 % Make sure MyM is installed and functional
0045 CheckMyM;
0047 % Default values
0048 hSize = 240;
0049 vSize = 240;
0050 nColumns = 3;
0051 showInfo = 'off';
0052 showCode = 'off';
0054 % Check number of parameters
0055 if nargin < 1,
0056     error('Incorrect number of parameters (type ''help <a href="matlab:help DBExportGallery">DBExportGallery</a>'' for details).');
0057 end
0059 % Optional query provided?
0060 if nargin == 1,
0061     query = '';
0062 elseif isastring(query,'size','ncolumns','info','code'),
0063     varargin = {query varargin{:}};
0064     query = '';
0065 end
0067 % Edit query
0068 query = strtrim(query);
0069 query = regexprep(query,'^where','');
0070 if ~isempty(query), query = [' where ' query]; end
0072 % Parse parameter list
0073 for j = 1:2:length(varargin),
0074     if ~ischar(varargin{j}),
0075         error(['Parameter ' num2str(j+7) ' is not a property (type ''help <a href="matlab:help DBExportGallery">DBExportGallery</a>'' for details).']);
0076     end
0077     switch(lower(varargin{j})),
0078         case 'size',
0079             sizes = varargin{j+1};
0080             if ~isivector(sizes,'>0','#2'),
0081                 error('Incorrect value for ''size'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help DBExportGallery">DBExportGallery</a>'' for details).');
0082             end
0083             hSize = sizes(1);
0084             vSize = sizes(2);
0086         case 'ncolumns',
0087             nColumns = varargin{j+1};
0088             if ~isiscalar(nColumns,'>0'),
0089                 error('Incorrect value for ''ncolumns'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help DBExportGallery">DBExportGallery</a>'' for details).');
0090             end
0092         case 'info',
0093             showInfo = lower(varargin{j+1});
0094             if ~isastring(showInfo,'on','off'),
0095                 error('Incorrect value for ''info'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help DBExportGallery">DBExportGallery</a>'' for details).');
0096             end
0098         case 'code',
0099             showCode = lower(varargin{j+1});
0100             if ~isastring(showCode,'on','off'),
0101                 error('Incorrect value for ''code'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help DBExportGallery">DBExportGallery</a>'' for details).');
0102             end
0104         otherwise,
0105             error(['Unknown property ''' num2str(varargin{j}) ''' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help DBExportGallery">DBExportGallery</a>'' for details).']);
0107     end
0108 end
0110 showInfo = strcmp(showInfo,'on');
0111 showCode = strcmp(showCode,'on');
0113 % Edit query
0114 query = strtrim(query);
0115 fullQuery = regexprep(query,'^where','');
0116 if ~isempty(fullQuery), fullQuery = [' where ' fullQuery]; end
0118 % Query database
0119 f = mym(['select png,eid,name,parameters,comments,mfiles,code,date,user from figures' fullQuery]);
0120 if isempty(f.eid),
0121     warning(['No figures match ''' query '''.']);
0122 end
0124 % Reformat code
0125 code = {};
0126 for i = 1:length(f.code),
0127     for j = 1:length(f.code{i}),
0128         code{i}{j} = char(f.code{i}{j})';
0129     end
0130 end
0131 f.code = code;
0133 % Correct eids and names: replace / with _ to avoid conflicts with filesystem
0134 nFigures = length(f.png);
0135 for i = 1:nFigures,
0136     f.eid{i} = strrep(f.eid{i},'/','_');
0137         f.name{i} = strrep(f.name{i},'/','_');
0138 end
0140 % Create root directory
0141 try
0142     mkdir(name);
0143     mkdir([name '/images']);
0144     mkdir([name '/thumbs']);
0145     if showCode,
0146         mkdir([name '/code']);
0147     end
0148 catch
0149     error('Cannot create gallery (check file access permissions).');
0150 end
0151 [path,name] = fileparts(name);
0153 % Export png images + thumbnails (and code pages if required)
0154 for i = 1:nFigures,
0155     % png image
0156     figureName{i} = [f.eid{i} '-' f.name{i} '.png'];
0157     file = fopen([path name '/images/' figureName{i}],'wb');
0158     if file == -1,
0159         error(['Could not create figure ' figureName{i} '.']);
0160     end
0161     fwrite(file,f.png{i});
0162     fclose(file);
0164     % Thumbnail
0165     pngData = imread([path name '/images/' figureName{i}],'png');
0166    [height,width,nz] = size(pngData);
0167    hScale = width/hSize;
0168    vScale = height/vSize;
0169     x = floor(1:hScale:width);
0170     y = floor(1:vScale:height);
0171    thumbnail = pngData(y,x,:);
0172    imwrite(thumbnail,[path name '/thumbs/' figureName{i}],'png');
0174     % Code
0175     if showCode && ~isempty(f.code) && ~isempty(f.code{i}),
0176         file = fopen([path name '/code/' figureName{i}(1:end-4) '.m'],'w');
0177         if file == -1,
0178             error('Could not create code output.');
0179         end
0180         nFunctions = size(f.code{i},2);
0181         for j = 1:nFunctions,
0182             if j > 1, fprintf(file,'\n\n'); end
0183             fprintf(file,'%% =======================================================================================================\n');
0184             fprintf(file,['%%     ' f.mfiles{i}{j} '\n']);
0185             fprintf(file,'%% =======================================================================================================\n\n\n');
0186             fprintf(file,'%s',f.code{i}{j});
0187         end
0188 %          if isempty(j), j = 1; end
0189 %          fprintf(file,'%s',f.code{i}{j});
0190         fclose(file);
0191     end
0192 end
0194 % Output HTML code
0195 % Header...
0196 fid = fopen([path name '/index.html'],'w');
0197 fprintf(fid,'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>\n');
0198 fprintf(fid,'<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">\n');
0199 fprintf(fid,'<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">\n');
0200 fprintf(fid,' <head>\n');
0201 fprintf(fid,'  <title>%s</title>\n',name);
0202 fprintf(fid,'  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>\n');
0203 fprintf(fid,'  <meta name="GENERATOR" content="FMAToolbox"/>\n');
0204 fprintf(fid,'  <style type="text/css">\n');
0205 fprintf(fid,'   BODY                {color: #dddddd; background: #333333;margin: 1%%;\n');
0206 fprintf(fid,'                        font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; }\n');
0207 fprintf(fid,'   A:LINK              {color: #dddddd;}\n');
0208 fprintf(fid,'   A:VISITED           {color: #cccccc;}\n');
0209 fprintf(fid,'   H1                  {color: #eeeeee;}\n');
0210 fprintf(fid,'   TABLE.enclosing     {margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto}\n');
0211 fprintf(fid,'   TD.enclosing        {text-align: center; vertical-align:top; color: #dddddd; padding: 10px;background: #555555;border: 5px solid #333333;width: %dpx}\n',hSize*1.5);
0212 fprintf(fid,'   TABLE.enclosed      {color: #dddddd; padding: 10px 0px 0px 0px;background: #555555;width: %dpx}\n',hSize*1.5-20);
0213 fprintf(fid,'   TD.left             {text-align: right; color: #dddddd; padding: 0.1em 1em;background: #606060;border: 0px}\n');
0214 fprintf(fid,'   TD.right            {text-align: left; color: #dddddd; padding: 0.1em 1em;background: #777777;border: 0px}\n');
0215 fprintf(fid,'   IMG                 {border: 1px solid #dddddd;}\n');
0216 fprintf(fid,'  </style>\n');
0217 fprintf(fid,' </head>\n');
0218 fprintf(fid,' <body>\n');
0219 fprintf(fid,'  <h1>%s</h1>\n',name);
0220 fprintf(fid,'  <p>%d images (%s)<br/></p>\n',nFigures,datestr(now));
0221 fprintf(fid,'  <hr/>\n');
0222 fprintf(fid,'  <table class="enclosing">\n');
0224 % ... figure table...
0225 nLines = ceil(nFigures/nColumns);
0226 i = 1;
0227 for line = 1:nLines,
0228     fprintf(fid,'   <tr>\n');
0229     for column = 1:nColumns,
0230         if i > nFigures, break; end
0231         fprintf(fid,'    <td class="enclosing">\n');
0232         fprintf(fid,'     <a href="images/%s"><img src="thumbs/%s" width="%d" height="%d"></a>\n',figureName{i},figureName{i},hSize,vSize);
0233         fprintf(fid,'     <table class="enclosed">\n');
0234         fprintf(fid,'      <tr>\n');
0235         fprintf(fid,'       <td class="left">\n');
0236         fprintf(fid,'        EID\n');
0237         fprintf(fid,'       </td>\n');
0238         fprintf(fid,'       <td class="right">\n');
0239         fprintf(fid,'        <div>%s</div>\n',f.eid{i});
0240         fprintf(fid,'       </td>\n');
0241         fprintf(fid,'      </tr>\n');
0242         fprintf(fid,'      <tr>\n');
0243         fprintf(fid,'       <td class="left">\n');
0244         fprintf(fid,'        Name\n');
0245         fprintf(fid,'       </td>\n');
0246         fprintf(fid,'       <td class="right">\n');
0247         fprintf(fid,'        <div>%s</div>\n',f.name{i});
0248         fprintf(fid,'       </td>\n');
0249         fprintf(fid,'      </tr>\n');
0250         if showInfo,
0251             fprintf(fid,'      <tr>\n');
0252             fprintf(fid,'       <td class="left">\n');
0253             fprintf(fid,'        Comments\n');
0254             fprintf(fid,'       </td>\n');
0255             fprintf(fid,'       <td class="right">\n');
0256             fprintf(fid,'        <div>%s</div>\n',f.comments{i});
0257             fprintf(fid,'       </td>\n');
0258             fprintf(fid,'      </tr>\n');
0259             fprintf(fid,'      <tr>\n');
0260             fprintf(fid,'       <td class="left">\n');
0261             fprintf(fid,'        Parameters\n');
0262             fprintf(fid,'       </td>\n');
0263             fprintf(fid,'       <td class="right">\n');
0264             fprintf(fid,'        <div>%s</div>\n',f.parameters{i});
0265             fprintf(fid,'       </td>\n');
0266             fprintf(fid,'      </tr>\n');
0267         end
0268         if showCode && ~isempty(f.code) && ~isempty(f.code{i}),
0269             codeName = [figureName{i}(1:end-4) '.m'];
0270             fprintf(fid,'      <tr>\n');
0271             fprintf(fid,'       <td class="left">\n');
0272             fprintf(fid,'        Code\n');
0273             fprintf(fid,'       </td>\n');
0274             fprintf(fid,'       <td class="right">\n');
0275             fprintf(fid,'        <a href="code/%s">[M-File]</a>\n',codeName);
0276             fprintf(fid,'       </td>\n');
0277             fprintf(fid,'      </tr>\n');
0278         end
0279         if showInfo,
0280             fprintf(fid,'      <tr>\n');
0281             fprintf(fid,'       <td class="left">\n');
0282             fprintf(fid,'        Date\n');
0283             fprintf(fid,'       </td>\n');
0284             fprintf(fid,'       <td class="right">\n');
0285             fprintf(fid,'        <div>%s</div>\n',f.date{i});
0286             fprintf(fid,'       </td>\n');
0287             fprintf(fid,'      </tr>\n');
0288             fprintf(fid,'      <tr>\n');
0289             fprintf(fid,'       <td class="left">\n');
0290             fprintf(fid,'        User\n');
0291             fprintf(fid,'       </td>\n');
0292             fprintf(fid,'       <td class="right">\n');
0293             fprintf(fid,'        <div>%s</div>\n',f.user{i});
0294             fprintf(fid,'       </td>\n');
0295             fprintf(fid,'      </tr>\n');
0296         end
0297         fprintf(fid,'     </table>\n');
0298         fprintf(fid,'    </td>\n');
0299         i = i+1;
0300     end
0301     fprintf(fid,'   </tr>\n');
0302 end
0304 % ... and footer
0305 fprintf(fid,'  </table>\n');
0306 fprintf(fid,' </body>\n');
0307 fprintf(fid,'</html>\n');

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