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GetSpikeTimes - Get spike timestamps.


function spikes = GetSpikeTimes(units,varargin)


GetSpikeTimes - Get spike timestamps.


    spikes = GetSpikeTimes(units,<options>)

    units          optional list of units, i.e. [electrode group, cluster] pairs;
                   special conventions:
                     'all'          all units
                     []             no units
                     cluster = -1   all clusters except artefacts and MUA
                     cluster = -2   all clusters except artefacts
                     cluster = -3   all clusters
                   (artefacts are assumed to be in cluster 0, and MUA in 1)
    <options>      optional list of property-value pairs (see table below)

     Properties    Values
     'output'      'time' returns only timestamps, 'full' returns timestamps,
                   electrode groups and clusters, and 'numbered' returns
                   timestamps and arbitrary unique identifiers corresponding
                   to single units (see EXAMPLE below) (default = 'time')


    % timestamps for all spikes
    s = GetSpikeTimes;
    % or
    s = GetSpikeTimes('all');

    % timestamps for units [1 7] and [4 3]
    s = GetSpikeTimes([1 7;4 3]);

    % timestamps for all single units on electrode group 5, and unit [6 3]
    s = GetSpikeTimes([5 -1;6 3]);

    % timestamps for all units on electrode group 5, except artefacts
    s = GetSpikeTimes([5 -2]);

    % timestamps, electrode groups and clusters, for all spikes
    s = GetSpikeTimes('output','full');
    % or
    s = GetSpikeTimes('all','output','full');

    % timestamps and identifiers, for units [1 7], [4 3] and [2 5]
    % unit [1 7] will be assigned number 1, unit [2 5] number 2, and
    % unit [4 3] number 3, independent from the order in which they are listed
    s = GetSpikeTimes([1 7;4 3;2 5],'output','numbered');


    An electrode group is an ensemble of closely spaced electrodes that record from
    the same neurons, e.g. a single wire electrode, or a wire tetrode, or a multisite
    silicon probe in octrode configuration, etc.


    See also LoadSpikeTimes, PlotTicks.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function spikes = GetSpikeTimes(units,varargin)
0003 %GetSpikeTimes - Get spike timestamps.
0004 %
0005 %  USAGE
0006 %
0007 %    spikes = GetSpikeTimes(units,<options>)
0008 %
0009 %    units          optional list of units, i.e. [electrode group, cluster] pairs;
0010 %                   special conventions:
0011 %                     'all'          all units
0012 %                     []             no units
0013 %                     cluster = -1   all clusters except artefacts and MUA
0014 %                     cluster = -2   all clusters except artefacts
0015 %                     cluster = -3   all clusters
0016 %                   (artefacts are assumed to be in cluster 0, and MUA in 1)
0017 %    <options>      optional list of property-value pairs (see table below)
0018 %
0019 %    =========================================================================
0020 %     Properties    Values
0021 %    -------------------------------------------------------------------------
0022 %     'output'      'time' returns only timestamps, 'full' returns timestamps,
0023 %                   electrode groups and clusters, and 'numbered' returns
0024 %                   timestamps and arbitrary unique identifiers corresponding
0025 %                   to single units (see EXAMPLE below) (default = 'time')
0026 %    =========================================================================
0027 %
0028 %  EXAMPLES
0029 %
0030 %    % timestamps for all spikes
0031 %    s = GetSpikeTimes;
0032 %    % or
0033 %    s = GetSpikeTimes('all');
0034 %
0035 %    % timestamps for units [1 7] and [4 3]
0036 %    s = GetSpikeTimes([1 7;4 3]);
0037 %
0038 %    % timestamps for all single units on electrode group 5, and unit [6 3]
0039 %    s = GetSpikeTimes([5 -1;6 3]);
0040 %
0041 %    % timestamps for all units on electrode group 5, except artefacts
0042 %    s = GetSpikeTimes([5 -2]);
0043 %
0044 %    % timestamps, electrode groups and clusters, for all spikes
0045 %    s = GetSpikeTimes('output','full');
0046 %    % or
0047 %    s = GetSpikeTimes('all','output','full');
0048 %
0049 %    % timestamps and identifiers, for units [1 7], [4 3] and [2 5]
0050 %    % unit [1 7] will be assigned number 1, unit [2 5] number 2, and
0051 %    % unit [4 3] number 3, independent from the order in which they are listed
0052 %    s = GetSpikeTimes([1 7;4 3;2 5],'output','numbered');
0053 %
0054 %  NOTE
0055 %
0056 %    An electrode group is an ensemble of closely spaced electrodes that record from
0057 %    the same neurons, e.g. a single wire electrode, or a wire tetrode, or a multisite
0058 %    silicon probe in octrode configuration, etc.
0059 %
0060 %  SEE
0061 %
0062 %    See also LoadSpikeTimes, PlotTicks.
0065 % Copyright (C) 2004-2017 by Michaƫl Zugaro
0066 %
0067 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0068 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0069 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
0070 % (at your option) any later version.
0072 global DATA;
0073 if isempty(DATA),
0074     error('No session defined (did you forget to call SetCurrentSession? Type ''help <a href="matlab:help Data">Data</a>'' for details).');
0075 end
0077 % Default values
0078 output = 'time';
0079 if nargin == 0, units = 'all'; end
0081 % Optional parameter
0082 if ischar(units) && ~strcmp(units,'all'),
0083     varargin = {units,varargin{:}};
0084     units = 'all';
0085 else
0086     if ~strcmp(units,'all') && ~isempty(units) && (~isimatrix(units) || size(units,2) ~= 2),
0087         error('Incorrect list of units (type ''help <a href="matlab:help GetSpikeTimes">GetSpikeTimes</a>'' for details).');
0088     end
0089 end
0091 % Parse parameter list
0092 for i = 1:2:length(varargin),
0093     if ~ischar(varargin{i}),
0094         error(['Parameter ' num2str(i+2) ' is not a property (type ''help <a href="matlab:help GetSpikeTimes">GetSpikeTimes</a>'' for details).']);
0095     end
0096     switch(lower(varargin{i})),
0097         case 'output',
0098             output = lower(varargin{i+1});
0099             if ~isastring(output,'time','full','numbered'),
0100                 error('Incorrect value for property ''output'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help GetSpikeTimes">GetSpikeTimes</a>'' for details).');
0101             end
0102         otherwise,
0103             error(['Unknown property ''' num2str(varargin{i}) ''' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help GetSpikeTimes">GetSpikeTimes</a>'' for details).']);
0105   end
0106 end
0108 if isempty(units),
0109     spikes = [];
0110 else
0111     spikes = DATA.spikes;
0112 end
0113 % Adjust output matrix size
0114 if isempty(spikes),
0115     switch(output),
0116         case 'time',
0117             spikes = nan(0,1);
0118         case 'numbered',
0119             spikes = nan(0,2);
0120         case 'full',
0121             spikes = nan(0,3);
0122     end
0123     return
0124 end
0126 % Selected units only
0127 if ~isastring(units,'all'),
0128     nUnits = size(units,1);
0129     selected = zeros(size(spikes(:,1)));
0130     for i = 1:nUnits,
0131         channel = units(i,1);
0132         cluster = units(i,2);
0133         switch cluster,
0134             case -1,
0135                 selected = selected | (spikes(:,2) == channel & spikes(:,3) ~= 0 & spikes(:,3) ~= 1);
0136             case -2,
0137                 selected = selected | (spikes(:,2) == channel & spikes(:,3) ~= 0);
0138             case -3,
0139                 selected = selected | spikes(:,2) == channel;
0140             otherwise,
0141                 selected = selected | (spikes(:,2) == channel & spikes(:,3) == cluster);
0142         end
0143     end
0144     spikes = spikes(selected,:);
0145 end
0147 if strcmp(output,'time'),
0148     spikes = spikes(:,1);
0149 elseif strcmp(output,'numbered'),
0150     [units,~,i] = unique(spikes(:,2:end),'rows');
0151     nUnits = length(units);
0152     index = 1:nUnits;
0153     id = index(i)';
0154     spikes = [spikes(:,1) id];
0155 end
0157 spikes = sortrows(spikes,1);

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