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Session data handling functions for FMAToolbox.


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 Session data handling functions for FMAToolbox.

 FMAToolbox provides a number of functions to handle data files stored
 in the open and hardware-independent <a href="http://neuroscope.sourceforge.net/UserManual/data-files.html">formats</a> used by <a href="http://klusters.sourceforge.net">Klusters</a>, <a href="http://neuroscope.sourceforge.net">NeuroScope</a>
 and <a href="http://ndmanager.sourceforge.net">NDManager</a>. To read data stored in other formats, one can either use
 format converter tools (such as <a href="http://ndmanager.sourceforge.net">NDManager</a> plugins), use dedicated Matlab
 toolboxes (provided by hardware vendors), or develop custom Matlab code.

 Data files for a typical recording session include several spike timestamp
 (.res.n) and cluster (.clu.n) files (one per tetrode), a position file (.pos),
 one or more event files (.evt), and a local field potential file (.lfp).
 Additional information can be provided by spike waveform files (.spk.n) and
 wideband data files (.dat).

 Although any single file can be read individually using <a href="matlab:help IO">low-level</a> functions,
 the easiest way to handle all data for a given recording session is to call
 <a href="matlab:help SetCurrentSession">SetCurrentSession</a> (which automatically reads the session parameters and loads
 all relevant data) and then use the Get... functions listed below.


   In order to avoid repeatedly reading data from disk, spikes, positions and
   events are loaded once and stored in the global structure DATA. However,
   LFP data is usually too large to keep in memory and must be read from disk

 Loading data

   SetCurrentSession        - Load all data for a given recording session.
   GetCurrentSession        - Get information about current session.

 Accessing data

   GetAngles                - Get angles (from position samples).
   GetChannels              - Get list of channels for one or more spike groups.
   GetEvents                - Get events.
   GetEventTypes            - Get event types (= unique descriptions).
   GetLFP                   - Get local field potentials.
   GetPositions             - Get position samples.
   GetSpikes                - Get spike timestamps.
   GetSpikeTimes            - Get spike timestamps.
   GetSpikeAmplitudes       - Get spike amplitudes.
   GetSpikeFeatures         - Get spike features.
   GetSpikeWaveforms        - Get spike waveforms.
   AddSpikeTimes            - Add spike timestamps.
   GetUnits                 - Get list of units.
   GetWidebandData          - Get wideband data.

 Default values

   CustomDefaults           - User-defined custom default values for function properties.
   GetCustomDefaults        - Get custom default value for a given function property.
   GlobalSettings           - Global default values.


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